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  1. LaughingJim

    Hom many plants can fit under a 400 watt hps???

    Gotcha... The light drops-off after 3 feet... (Drops off below function.) So I would say 3 feet by 3 feet, with the light staying within 1.5 feet of the top canvas. (Fold-down your buds if they get too close to the light, when the time comes. The canvas needs the most light. The buds will...
  2. LaughingJim

    Stealth Grow Mommy

    Get hold of some mylar party-balloons, or a fire-blanket. Use tons of double-sided tape and some duct-tape to secure it to the walls. Two more of those "Y" adaptors, and you can have 4 cfl's running for a good starter. (Use the 150w flood-light bulbs if you can find them, they help a LOT.)...
  3. LaughingJim

    Is Christianity Safe?

    LOL... Did you forget that "God" killed "Everyone", except Noah, his cargo and his family... Even all the innocent animals and humans... (Back when the world was flat. God must have forgotten to tell anyone that the world was really round... it must have slipped his mind... you know, after he...
  4. LaughingJim

    Hom many plants can fit under a 400 watt hps???

    An LST or SCROG is using less plants to consume more space. (You are trying to grow vertically, on the horizon. It is counter-productive. One root-system on a highly stressed plant that you keep clipping or flattening wider, away from the light. If you have limited height and limited containers...
  5. LaughingJim

    fluorescent lights.. quick question

    For CFL, you can get standard bulbs at... 150w {flood} (42-38w real) 100w {house} (38-25w real) 60w {house} (24-18w real) Wattage varies by manufacture, and there are newer micro-cfl's which are brighter and use less power than yesterdays CFL's. For growers lights, they have CFL's up to 150w...
  6. LaughingJim

    will this work?

    Yes, it will grow one plant fine... The secret is to top-off the plant ASAP after four branches form, and use the four branches to flow around the light. You need to LST, low-stress-train, the branches to follow the floor until they are 12-inches away from the light that hangs down. Then you...
  7. LaughingJim

    Hom many plants can fit under a 400 watt hps???

    If you go vertical, you can grow 6-8 plants easily... in a 3-foot or 4-foot square room. (See my signature.) Don't expect much from a horizontal grow, with that small of a light. You will constantly be raising it, and most of your plants will be in the shadows. At the most, in a 3x3 setup...
  8. LaughingJim

    help with homemade aeroponics

    What size light do you have? Did you move the light out of the way for the photo-shoot? If that is not physical heat-radiation (IR) burn... then assume it is chemical-burn. You didn't state what your RH level is (Relative Humidity). If it is cool and dry, light will burn faster. Your PH is...
  9. LaughingJim

    Spider mites for christmas!! FML

    Have you tried alcohol and water? You can also use "organic spray", made from natural killers of spider-mites. "Garden safe, houseplant and garden, insect killer." It is made with a botanical "natural" insecticide. (Made from plant-extracts.) That is a "day of harvest" style insecticide...
  10. LaughingJim

    Help! What is happening?

    Don't rule-out a neighbor or field being near-by... If you are sucking-in outside-air, you could be sucking in pollen from another location. If you are sucking-in home-air, you could be sucking in pollen from your bags that had seeds in them. (They had seeds in the bud because pollen was...
  11. LaughingJim

    I am the nothing behind the shadows!

    I am on a few other forums, as many of you are. Where possible, I try to contribute, but sometimes I have a real irritating "know it all" aspect to my posts... LOL Don't hold that against me! It is my nature to be as sure about things as I possibly can. However, I do have my A.D.D. moments. If...
  12. LaughingJim

    Dispensary Cost vs Home grown $$

    Your only limitation will be your ability to produce continuous fruits... Hidden expenses... - Time (How much is your time worth an hour?) - Water (Not a major cost.) - Cooling (Fans, AC-optional) - Heating (Depends on climate.) - Light (250w is more than enough for personal use. That is 84Kwh...