Dispensary Cost vs Home grown $$


Well-Known Member
Is there a big difference in between the price I pay at the dispensary vs. if I were make the investment in lights and grow my own? I pay $65.00 for 3.5 grams of Northern Lights/Blueberry. Grandma is confused.:?


Active Member
You could absolutely save a lot of money buy growing your own...Of course you would have the initial start up cost but after that you would be smoking free bud for life..I say free but you will always have the monthly cost of nutrients and electricity. but I think that would be offset by your savings. If you are smoking an ounce of weed a month you are all ready spending $400 a month or more... If you were to start up a small grow say with just 1 400w light and everything else you would need to start, you would be able to grow around 4 ounces every 2 months for around a $1000 initial investment. Not only would you have a new hobby but you could make some extra cash by selling it to your friends.. Its a great idea to grow your own and you will enjoy the fruits of your labor even more.. Good luck and happy growing...

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Biggun said it right. Start up costs will suck, but you will pay very little after that. If you have a secluded back yard and a grow permit, why not use the sun next summer? Just buy soil and nutrients.
Of course your first batch may not be dispensary quality, but it will get there.


Well-Known Member
Biggun said it right. Start up costs will suck, but you will pay very little after that. If you have a secluded back yard and a grow permit, why not use the sun next summer? Just buy soil and nutrients.
Of course your first batch may not be dispensary quality, but it will get there.
Would love too. Problem is that our little town is loaded with gang activity. Just too old to have to be constantly on the lookout. Will go underground with grow. Thanks for answering the question and helping with the decision.


Your only limitation will be your ability to produce continuous fruits...

Hidden expenses...
- Time (How much is your time worth an hour?)
- Water (Not a major cost.)
- Cooling (Fans, AC-optional)
- Heating (Depends on climate.)
- Light (250w is more than enough for personal use. That is 84Kwh a month.)
- - 250wh x 12 hours = 3Kwh, 3Kwh x 28 days = 84Kwh, 84Kwh x 3 months = 252Kwh.
- Start-up supplies ($300 - $3000, depending on your setup.)

Ultimately, you need to look into the laws. Some places don't allow "in home" growing of anything, due to fire and health issues. This will impact your ability to secure your grow and limit your ability to operate without drawing attention to yourself. (Bad guys in the neighborhoods are more of a concern than the law. Once word gets-out that you have a mini-grow-op... expect that your shed will get raided by men with guns, or teenagers.)

Play safe, and think about every aspect.

You can expect to produce that same quality of green for 1/10 the price, if you do everything right. Expect to save only half, if you do many things wrong. It is all a loss, if you do everything wrong!

Grow vertical, it is cheaper, consumes less space, yields more, and will destroy less if you mess-up. (Check my signature for a quick vertical calculator.)


Well-Known Member

It is well worth growing your own if you can, out of 2 plants on my 1st grow I got about 80 grams of premo stuff I grew saving me about 7 to 8 hundred dollars and that is just the 1st grow there will be more, just make sure you are legal or know the laws in case you are not

It is really the way to go if you can


Well-Known Member
Would love too. Problem is that our little town is loaded with gang activity. Just too old to have to be constantly on the lookout. Will go underground with grow. Thanks for answering the question and helping with the decision.
With just a few precautions, a grow can be completely discreet. In fact, I would say that the biggest threat to any hobby grow is the grower himself (or herself) telling someone. A grower can thrive simply by adhering to the mantra of No tell. No smell. No sell.

Previous posters have explained quite correctly that a grow can be established for a modest start-up expense, yet the returns more than make up for any up-front cost over time.

I recommend that you purchase a book or two. A moderator here wrote a very good beginner's guide. It's called Buds for Less: Grow 8 oz. of Bud for Less Than $100. It is an excellent resource for a new grower.

Growing is incredibly fun and rewarding. It is also addictive as all get out.

Good luck and good growing.