help with homemade aeroponics


so i need some help again if anybody can medical so i built a aeroponics and it seems to be going pretty good but i just dont know whats up.with the one at the end of the tube.The leaves were all curld down and burnt.i was useing fox farm for two day plants didnt like it and it didnt like the smell to much i went and got some advanced nutrients grow micro bloom run it at 1:1:1 at 500 ppm at ph 5.8 rez temp 68 sprayer are spraying.let me know what you think is up? thanks to all and have a merry christmas!!!!!!!


so i need some help again if anybody can medical so i built a aeroponics and it seems to be going pretty good but i just dont know whats up.with the one at the end of the tube.The leaves were all curld down and burnt.i was useing fox farm for two day plants didnt like it and it didnt like the smell to much i went and got some advanced nutrients grow micro bloom run it at 1:1:1 at 500 ppm at ph 5.8 rez temp 68 sprayer are spraying.let me know what you think is up? thanks to all and have a merry christmas!!!!!!!
sorry here the pics



What size light do you have?
Did you move the light out of the way for the photo-shoot?

If that is not physical heat-radiation (IR) burn... then assume it is chemical-burn.

You didn't state what your RH level is (Relative Humidity). If it is cool and dry, light will burn faster.

Your PH is sort-of low... You need to be midway between 5.5 and 6.8 which is 6.1 ... 1-1-1 is an odd mix, you should have 10-20-15, having 1-1-1 is like having 20-20-20... (Ratio wise, you have too much nitrogen, or not enough potassium.)


What size light do you have?
Did you move the light out of the way for the photo-shoot?

If that is not physical heat-radiation (IR) burn... then assume it is chemical-burn.

You didn't state what your RH level is (Relative Humidity). If it is cool and dry, light will burn faster.

Your PH is sort-of low... You need to be midway between 5.5 and 6.8 which is 6.1 ... 1-1-1 is an odd mix, you should have 10-20-15, having 1-1-1 is like having 20-20-20... (Ratio wise, you have too much nitrogen, or not enough potassium.)
sorry i was so excited to get the pics out there i guess i jumped the the light they are under is a 400 watt hps i started them out at 30 inch and know they are siting at 20 inch.humidity is between 20 and 30% temp is at 77 with lights on 63ish lights off.and the ratio is 7-6-10 that is the advance nutrientsgrow,micro,bloom mix at 1:1:1 that is what the back of the bottle say to run it let me know if there is anymore? thanks everyone


sorry i was so excited to get the pics out there i guess i jumped the the light they are under is a 400 watt hps i started them out at 30 inch and know they are siting at 20 inch.humidity is between 20 and 30% temp is at 77 with lights on 63ish lights off.and the ratio is 7-6-10 that is the advance nutrientsgrow,micro,bloom mix at 1:1:1 that is what the back of the bottle say to run it let me know if there is anymore? thanks everyone
bump help!im new i dont know what to do


Active Member
no really can help me? please i need some help?anyone?

have you called the guys at Advanced Nutrients? They're really cool about helping people with questions. I wish I knew anything about aeroponics, but I just haven't tried that out yet.

I know the AN nutrient calculator has helped me out with my hydro grows. but i have no idea about aero

Does it work for your questions? It's right on the site...

good luck!


Active Member
my opinion is the humidity is too low. I keep mine around 50-60 during the veg phase.....


my opinion is the humidity is too low. I keep mine around 50-60 during the veg phase.....
well uys thanks for the help in the start of this i got them to the end and was wondering can i cut a plant down a day without it hurting the rest of you can see in my setup i have three plants in one tube.thanks for looking