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  1. RonJeezy

    About to order from Dr. Chronic - YES OR NO?? Please Give Advice!

    my order got shipped outfrom the doc on the 12th.. nothing yet, but hopefully soon
  2. RonJeezy

    legit nyc/sour diesel?

    i had 6 grams of it and its the best shit ive ever smoked. you'll know its SD when you smell it.
  3. RonJeezy

    Ordering Seeds

    dr chronic ftw
  4. RonJeezy

    Cop Overdoses on Brownies

    haha funny shit.
  5. RonJeezy

    Iam going to harvest today

    well? how did it go?
  6. RonJeezy

    First time, how's it lookin?

    Damn man, that mfer is growing fast.
  7. RonJeezy

    The Powder in The Bottom of a Grinder . .

    its very nice is what it is
  8. RonJeezy

    Fact or Fiction?

    ^^^^ damn skippy.
  9. RonJeezy

    How do my babies look? (7 days after planted)

    ^^ownage hahaha
  10. RonJeezy

    a few questions that need answering

    lighting doesnt matter until after its sprouted. I just germinate them, plant them, when they sprout I put them under the light ASAP
  11. RonJeezy

    DMT, Dimethyltryptamine

    I have a friend in Californina who owns a Jiu Jitsu school. he smokes a ton of weed and happends ot be best friends with joe rogan who also smokes a lot of weed and is into hallucinogens. Well my friend told me him and joe have smoked it 7 times and recorded their trip because they cant...
  12. RonJeezy

    pets you have?

    chameleon 2 dogs several outside cats
  13. RonJeezy

    Fuckig Heroin I Hate!!

    thats good man. get him off that shit. Sad to see a 20 year old doing that kind of stuff
  14. RonJeezy

    Bought My First Bong

  15. RonJeezy

    Ever Throw Up while smoking?

    yeah ive puked two times... ive got so choked I just start puking, it sucks but yeah
  16. RonJeezy

    Please help

    wow, that sucks...
  17. RonJeezy


    Funny guys, but it wouldnt be funny if you were in my position.
  18. RonJeezy


    That doesnt help...
  19. RonJeezy


    HELP ME GUYS, my friend has me paranoid as fuck... :(
  20. RonJeezy

    Gaming Thread

    halo 3, skate... neither of those online tho... I have counter strike source, but my pc won't run it... I play Delta Force Black Hawk Down too