Fact or Fiction?


Well-Known Member
i remember the first time i died from smoking cannabis... i thought i'd never come back


Well-Known Member
I dont think you can overdose on it.... but im sure its not healthy.

Vaporizing is the healthiest way to do it, and prolly give you a couple more years onto your life, if your a seirous cannabis smoker


Active Member
I wanna smoke 1500 lbs of pot in 15 mins :) ill do it! just get me the pot...and a some super bong...


Well-Known Member
dame i dint know you could od on weed i have smoked a forth between two of us a eighth each and was just baked off my ass


Well-Known Member
The LD50 for THC is an insanely inconcievable amount. The example I was given is that to OD on weed you'd have to smoke 3000 times the normal amount. I usually smoke about a gram to get decently baked. I wouldnt even be awake after more than 7, and I definately couldn't fathom the idea of smoking 6.5lbs, but you better believe I'd try.