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  1. mrdrywall

    spinpro trimmer

    holy shit!got my spin earlier, came home and put it to work,man is that bad ass! 10 to 12 min start to finish 1 whole plant popcorn buds and all.had to bend the wires to make them ride along the grate tight but other than that,WOW WHERE HAVE U BEEN ALL MY LIFE! camera is dead right now and...
  2. mrdrywall

    spinpro trimmer

    i have some hanging now done by hand.gonna get the scope on em after i remove bud from branch.get a good look then compare ater using the spinpro.burnt out on hrs and hrs of trimming
  3. mrdrywall

    leaves turning yellow

    agree 48 hrs wont hurt my veg lights run 24/7 for 4 yrs now
  4. mrdrywall

    leaves turning yellow

    i use fox farm ocean forest soil.never need nutes at all during veg,always green and healthy.iwould trans plant em in of and leave em b for a few
  5. mrdrywall

    airy buds? what causes it?

    agreed,dont really have expierience with those strains but in my opinion that is not enough light
  6. mrdrywall

    spinpro trimmer

    seems like i must have been living in a cave. just found out about these auto trimmers 2 wks. ago.anybody here using them? i watched a lot of you tube videos on them and going to pick one up today.
  7. mrdrywall

    First time grow, plant thin, brown cupping leaves

    agreed, gotta give up some dough if u want good results floros dont cut it
  8. mrdrywall

    sour kush

    anybody grow reserve pradas sour kush yet?seen it on attitudes top sellers list so what the hell im givin it a shot,little pricy for 6 beans but always lookin for better smoke and yields
  9. mrdrywall

    is my plant a hermie any help?????

    doesnt look like it from the pics
  10. mrdrywall

    Ordered Two Seeds, First Failed Germinating. How Should I Germinate the Second?

    i nevr liked the paper towel bullshit-spend the 25 bucks get a seedling heat mat, cheap plastic dome and some rapid rooter or jiffy plugs i started 3 or so yrs ago with paper towels with terrible germ rates,since i started plugs and a dome 2 yrs or so ago i very rarely ever have any not pop even...
  11. mrdrywall

    Ordered Two Seeds, First Failed Germinating. How Should I Germinate the Second?

    i have 10 super lemon haze seedlings straight from adome and rapid rooters in ffof same with the 10 clones and 20 or so odd super skunks nvr burn anything
  12. mrdrywall

    POLL: Which One Has the Best Yield?

    have not grown any of those but have heard and read a lot that although ww is killer smoke ,not a lot of yield on the white strains
  13. mrdrywall

    can i top these yet or wait?

    ditto wait a bit
  14. mrdrywall

    Bubble Cloner Problems?? Exp'd Please Help!

    ive been growing from seed for 3yrs cause i got sick of trying to clone,built my b cloners the same way and never had luck.assholes on a sure to grow video i watched said submurge the stem in water. i was planning on going this wk to purchase the ez cloner $270 but after reading this im gonna...
  15. mrdrywall

    Will a Magnum XXXL Fit In a 4x4 grow tent?

    i have a magnum and dont like it,would not recomend buying one,have 2 regular sun system hoods on each side of the magnum the same strain,veg time,and size plants,the ones under the magnum stretched and light airy buds,kept the hood almost right on top of em and still stretched.the girls under...
  16. mrdrywall

    Topping your plant

    agreed, i send every newbie to that thred
  17. mrdrywall


    agreed i either use jiffy pellets or rapid rooter plugs then straight into ffof never burn
  18. mrdrywall

    Where do I look for the Trichomes ??

    i push the micro up against a little leave sticking out of the bud or you can place your finger bhind the leaf then put the micro against it
  19. mrdrywall

    New Growing Light Question

    agreed cost more for all those cfls with poor results as it would for a t5 or 2,100 bucks for 2 t5 and will light your space up nice,not sure bcause i use hps and t8s but i think thry have dirrerent bulbs for veg and flower for t5s ask hre or your local hydro
  20. mrdrywall

    Anyone ever had bad luck getting all male plants?

    have never grown white widow but have heard the yield aint there,im on a super lemon haze kick now some frosty shit and good yield,if your goin with nirvana try super skunk,very frosty and pretty forgiving for newbies good yield also