leaves turning yellow


Hi, I got 4 cutting of cheese of my mate 2 weeks ago, I put them into 50 litre buckets straight away and under a 600watt light for 18/6 the temp and humid sitting perfect(have been planted 2 weeks this coming sunday). I hav just been giving them a bit of super thrive and atami root stimalator but the leaves are starting to turn a bit yellow on it can any 1 give me there thoughts on what this could be?
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both the products your using offer no usable nutrients. your plant is starving to death. you need a good grow nutrient. and lose the superjive, it's an expensive waste of money,


week one says to use the a & b. start there at 1/4 strength.
Hi. do you use these nutrients? i am a bit confussed looking at the chart if u look at the light period week 1 on the chart is actually the last week of 18/6 then week 2 is over to 12/12 so if i am reading this right is week 1 on the chart actually the last week of veging if so do i hit them with that same dossage of nuts as it tells u on week 1 of the chart right up to the last week of veggin?


you can veg as long as you want, they still need nutes.
Thanks for the info, went into the tent last night to feed them some nutes and notiched that my timer had broken and i think the lights were on for about 48 hours i turned them of straight away for 6 hrs, the leaves where yellow with brown blotches and the tips of the leaves were curling up wards.. is this a result of them not getting enough nutes the 1st 2 weeks and the light being on for about 48 hours straight due to faulty b&q timer. can these plants be nursed back to life? any info greatly appraiciated..


Well-Known Member
Hi. do you use these nutrients? i am a bit confussed looking at the chart if u look at the light period week 1 on the chart is actually the last week of 18/6 then week 2 is over to 12/12 so if i am reading this right is week 1 on the chart actually the last week of veging if so do i hit them with that same dossage of nuts as it tells u on week 1 of the chart right up to the last week of veggin?
dont go by a chart. it can help, but dont base your entire feeding schedule off it. usually yellow leaves on a clone mean there is root development. i see they are in soil, so you dont necessarily have to give them nutes quite yet. if you so choose to, do what paul said and start at 1/4 strength.

as far as leaving the light on for 48 hours im bettin they will be fine. some people leave the lights on for that long at the beginning stages of veg.


Active Member
i use fox farm ocean forest soil.never need nutes at all during veg,always green and healthy.iwould trans plant em in of and leave em b for a few


Active Member
dont go by a chart. it can help, but dont base your entire feeding schedule off it. usually yellow leaves on a clone mean there is root development. i see they are in soil, so you dont necessarily have to give them nutes quite yet. if you so choose to, do what paul said and start at 1/4 strength.

as far as leaving the light on for 48 hours im bettin they will be fine. some people leave the lights on for that long at the beginning stages of veg.
agree 48 hrs wont hurt my veg lights run 24/7 for 4 yrs now


the soil i am using is bio bizz all mix i think there is meant to be enough nutes in it for veg but dosent seem to be enough for these plants so i give them the soil nutrition a&b and a bit of soil booster last night they seem'd to come back to live a bit when i was in looking about an hour ago, i will leave the now till sat mourning and feed them again hopefully they look a lot better by then.