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  1. Biohazard703

    PLEASE HELP! Probation piss test in 4 days and need to piss clean!

    So far I have been working out hardcore for the past 3 days and tested myself again tonight and found a VERY faint pink line on the test strip. (Piss test from walmart). Last time I had no line what so ever. I bought some cranberry pills, drink lots of cranberry juice (mainly during meals), and...
  2. Biohazard703

    PLEASE HELP! Probation piss test in 4 days and need to piss clean!

    They stopped making those in 2008. Plus they will be watching my dick.
  3. Biohazard703

    PLEASE HELP! Probation piss test in 4 days and need to piss clean!

    Okay, so I had no idea where to post this at, but I was sure atleast someone on here would know the answer. I've been researching and found many different ways, but I have a stipulation from the judge that if my test is INVALID and have to be retested, I GET NO RETEST, I go to jail. So I want a...
  4. Biohazard703

    Probation Piss Test in 4 to pass? Any help?

    Okay, so I had no idea where to post this at, but I was sure atleast someone on here would know the answer. I've been researching and found many different ways, but I have a stipulation from the judge that if my test is INVALID and have to be retested, I GET NO RETEST, I go to jail. So I want a...
  5. Biohazard703

    I just got caught twice..Anyone had experience?

    This is my 2nd time being charged with this. Not the first anymore, but the first was recent...hasn't even been to court yet. But a lawyer is on the first and he said $700 for the first incident and I am doing 24 hours community service and 15 hours of the Drug Education School and 6 weeks...
  6. Biohazard703

    I just got caught twice..Anyone had experience?

    Okay, so previously in November I was stopped on the road and had my truck searched because it smelled like Marijuana. I got charged with possession/paraphernalia. The possesssion part was what they picked up off my truck floor (which I think was dirt) and the paraphernalia was my bowl, grinder...
  7. Biohazard703

    flowering at 2 and a half weeks?

    Based on your most recent pic, you can move the big fluorescent even closer. If it's the 4ft shop light full spectrum, that's exactly what I used for vegging my plants. It will never burn your leaves, so it's best to keep it as close as possible. You'll need a LOT more light when flowering, just...
  8. Biohazard703

    Yellow fan Leaves- how much longer?

    okay I'll keep an eye on the trichomes and keep you updated.
  9. Biohazard703

    Yellow fan Leaves- how much longer?

  10. Biohazard703

    Yellow fan Leaves- how much longer?

    yeah since it was my first grow and my setup isn't the best, she has been pretty angry throughout lol, but there wasn't too much I could do about it. Here are some pics, I just didn't post cause she's not the most beautiful plant, pretty disappointing if you ask me. But hey, everyone has to...
  11. Biohazard703

    Yellow fan Leaves- how much longer?

    My fan leaves just recently turned really yellow and it's been about 8 weeks of flowering, the bottom fan leaves aren't all yellow, but about 3/4 starting top-down are yellow and the stems are really red. So I know this means the plant is using it's nutrients and it's a sign of it almost being...
  12. Biohazard703

    I'm confused as to what is going on with my plant.

    Also, with my setup I have no ventilation system. I can't be blowing out holes in the closet I'm using, so my temps stay around mid 80's, so I'm sure they are lacking some fresh oxygen, but I can't do anything about that. I do have a fan blowing in there, it just circulates the air. And My temps...
  13. Biohazard703

    I'm confused as to what is going on with my plant.

    Yeah I've had them cooked throughout. I have a small space and it's hard to get my lights away from my plant on every angle, not to mention it's my first plant and I know it wont give me much bud, so I kind of don't care if leaves fry. But my lights are about 4 inches away on top and 2 inches...
  14. Biohazard703

    I'm confused as to what is going on with my plant.

    You veg with more than 11 cfl's?
  15. Biohazard703

    I'm confused as to what is going on with my plant.

    I'm using 11 cfl's 26watt. for 3 plants. The other two are only 2 weeks into flowering. But I only had one cfl and a T5 on the one plant for about 5 weeks into flowering, I assume that's why the buds aren't going to produce like they should. But it's been about 8 weeks. I have some amber...
  16. Biohazard703

    I'm confused as to what is going on with my plant.

    Okay so it's been flowering for about 8weeks now I believe and 2 days ago, the fan leaves weren't yellow, but now they are all completely yellow and the stems on them are really red, more than before. I didn't know where to post this, my apologies if it's in the wrong place. But I have trouble...
  17. Biohazard703

    Going away and don't know how to keep plants watered!

    My soil is a mix of MG soil, perlite, and vermiculite. So the drainage is really good, water goes down pretty quick. Not to mention the globes wouldn't really be a cheap alternative if I need 2 per plant...they are $10 a piece, so that's a little over $30.
  18. Biohazard703

    Going away and don't know how to keep plants watered!

    I'll look it up, but I'll probably be going with the water tote method just so I have the cash for christmas shopping.
  19. Biohazard703

    Going away and don't know how to keep plants watered!

    I don't know if these would hold much thought, as I have never used them before. It would seem like they may support it for a day or two but not a week or two weeks. If anyone has used them, give me some input about how long they last.