I'm confused as to what is going on with my plant.

Okay so it's been flowering for about 8weeks now I believe and 2 days ago, the fan leaves weren't yellow, but now they are all completely yellow and the stems on them are really red, more than before. I didn't know where to post this, my apologies if it's in the wrong place. But I have trouble looking at trichomes (it's a bag seed) so I don't know when I should harvest, if it's soon because of these yellow leaves or if this is a major deficiency.
P.S. My buds are going to be small, I don't have the best grow op going here and I didn't start with good light.
Please help!


what lights are you using?
I'm using 11 cfl's 26watt. for 3 plants. The other two are only 2 weeks into flowering. But I only had one cfl and a T5 on the one plant for about 5 weeks into flowering, I assume that's why the buds aren't going to produce like they should. But it's been about 8 weeks. I have some amber trichomes, but I can't tell much between cloudy and clear. And it doesn't seem to be growing much on top, just bud sites on the bottom are growing pistils.
Wow kinda crispy. How far are your lights from your canopy? Looks like they got cooked.
Yeah I've had them cooked throughout. I have a small space and it's hard to get my lights away from my plant on every angle, not to mention it's my first plant and I know it wont give me much bud, so I kind of don't care if leaves fry. But my lights are about 4 inches away on top and 2 inches away on the side. Not to mention I used MG soil and either that or something else cause the leaves to burn way before I started using more cfl's, so most of the leaves were damaged before anyway. Ones that are damaged, don't fix themselves incase you don't know that, only new ones come out clean, and I don't have new leaves growing because it's almost ready to harvest.
Also, with my setup I have no ventilation system. I can't be blowing out holes in the closet I'm using, so my temps stay around mid 80's, so I'm sure they are lacking some fresh oxygen, but I can't do anything about that. I do have a fan blowing in there, it just circulates the air. And My temps were around 72 when I only had the little bit of light, but with 11 cfl's it gets a bit hot in the closet. So instead of everyone questioning my light situation, can you actually answer my question i wanted answered in this thread....which is: Is it normal for the leaves to turn that yellow color with red stems when the plant is getting ready to harvest or does it mean I have a nutrient defficiency? Lights don't make leaves turn yellow, so I don't know why everyone posted stuff about lights!