I just got caught twice..Anyone had experience?

Okay, so previously in November I was stopped on the road and had my truck searched because it smelled like Marijuana. I got charged with possession/paraphernalia. The possesssion part was what they picked up off my truck floor (which I think was dirt) and the paraphernalia was my bowl, grinder, scale, and home made bongs. And 3 days ago, I had police show up at my dorm door because the RA reported it smelling like marijuana. I was not smoking nor did my room smell, but they still wanted to search. I told them no and they stated I could either give them what I had or they would cease the room until they got a warrant. I gave them what I had so they would not search hardcore because I got lucky and had recently taken my grow setup down, but still had my equipment scattered across my room. I had weed in my room and a new bubbler, so yet again, I was charged with possession/paraphernalia. These possession charges were under a half ounce. With the first one, I was put on probation for the university because I was guilty for possession on campus (even though it was in my truck). And I was going to do a 9096 in court. Now, my question is, if anyone has been charged twice like this...what is going to happen? I have never been through this before and my first citation hasn't even been through court yet. So please all advice is welcome.


Active Member
Damn. Doesnt the MAN SUCK sometimes/most times. All of this will depend on the states guidelines and how much of a dick the Judge will be. Not much u can do. Might be worth a lawyer if in a state like Virgina. What state are you in?


Well-Known Member
you should've made them get the warrant. they didn't have any evidence, and if it really did smell like weed, it's called probable cause, and they would've searched right then and there.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...have your lawyer to plea bargin out to substance abuse if possible. I was on probation for possession of MJ, got busted with more! ....they put me in substance abuse, where I had to pay out of my ass, and attend classes 3 times weekly (intense out patient program) FUCK'N SUCKED! Noone even took me serious at the rehab btw. It went kind'a like this there, THEM :"What's the substance your batteling? ME: "Marijuana" THEM : "you must have been sent here by the courts." LOL WTF?


Active Member
Depending on your state and prior records??? if you are a kid with clean records then you might be fine for a sum amount or even a few hours of community service or worst senario be put on probation from your county (not school probation). most possesion under 1oz is consider a mismeanor. however there is exceptions depending on your state rule and regulations!
I live in NC
This is my 2nd time being charged with this. Not the first anymore, but the first was recent...hasn't even been to court yet. But a lawyer is on the first and he said $700 for the first incident and I am doing 24 hours community service and 15 hours of the Drug Education School and 6 weeks therapy lol Before the court date. And my lawyer said I was doing the 9096 court request because I would have to do it anyway for the first citation. And I met with my Student Rights Office at school and they put me on probation bc I was guilty of having paraphernalia on campus.

Now the second time I was caught on campus for possession and paraphernalia. I have to meet with the dean, instead of the Student Rights Office. So for the school this will make 1 charge possession, 2 charges paraphernalia on campus. And they do their own court like things, I know I am getting removed from on-campus living, but I'm not sure what else until I actually meet with him. Possible suspension :(

As for the second offense, in the legal court system, I'm not sure what will happen. My record stands at 2 possession charges, 2 paraphernalia charges. The first hasn't even been through court, but I did have a lawyer. I haven't been able to talk to him yet. So if I was already doing a 9096 for the first one (24hrs comm service, 15hrs DES, 6 weeks therapy, probably be put on unsupervised probation for a year) then how might things go now, with this second charge of possession/paraphernalia?

----Sorry it's so long, high times :)...Never let the man get you down!---


Active Member
www.norml.org Have your lawyer look up and study, as well as yourself, on North Carolina's HB 1380, and HB 1383. Start complaining of back pain now. Go to the doc/nurse/college aid station/urgent care, whatever and tell them you hurt your back "Some time ago, and it unbearable pain now" You have two options with this defense. I would try this one first. Continue the cases as long as you can, If the bill passes (and it should this year), you got a script for the back pain, take it to court and have your lawyer talk to the ada or da, and prove that you are now prescribed and its bullshit to proceed with the charges. The second option for defense is that you use it for pain, and you use it medicinally(you got caught twice, and had to stop due to the law, causing unbearable pain. Then read up on the constitutions 8th amendment, trust me, no local judge where I live will allow it to proceed past this point, nor will the DA have a response to the claim) If you were a dick to the cop, or you got a lot of little priors, it may or may not work, actually, any of this may or may not work.

Look up and become a member on the facebook group North Carolina Medicinal Marijuana Legalization, hit the moderater up, tell him your story and I know he can put you in the right direction. As for school, and your dorm, I got no advice there. Remember James Taylor got kicked out of UNC CH for smoking dope, and he did alright:)

Check your friends, change your ride, remove those bob marley stickers from your bumper, b/c they got a radar on you for something. Cops don't tend to look for that petty of bullshit in NC.


Well-Known Member


Possession1/2 oz or lessmisdemeanor30 days*$2001/2 to 1 1/2 ozmisdemeanor1 - 120 days**$500More than 1 1/2 ozfelonyup to 12 monthsDiscretionary Fine*Suspended sentence mandatory.
**Community service or probation possible. 45 maximum for those with a clear record.Sale or CultivationLess than 5 g with no renumeration (assumes first offense for sentencing guidelines)see PossessionUp to 10 lbsfelonyup to 12 monthsnot more than $5,00010 to 50 lbsfelony25 months and up to 30 months MMS***not more than $5,00050 to 2000 lbsfelony
35 months and up to 42 months MMS***​
not more than $25,0002000 to 10,000 lbsfelony
70 months and up to 84 months MMS***​
not more than $50,00010,000 lbs or morefelony
179 months and up to 219 months MMS***​
not more than $200,000Within 300 feet of school zonefelonyincreased penaltyincreased penaltySale to a minor if seller is over age 21 or sale to a pregnant woman felonyincreased penaltyincreased penalty***Mandatory minimum sentence.Miscellaneous (paraphernalia, license suspensions, drug tax stamps, etc...)Paraphernalia possession misdemeanor6 monthsvariableDetails
Possession of one half ounce or less is punishable by up to 30 days in jail, most likely suspended. Possession of greater than one half ounce is punishable by 1 - 120 days in jail, with a possibility of community service or probation in lieu of jail. Possession greater than 1.5 ounces increases the penalties to up to 12 months in jail.
Manufacture, Cultivation, sale or delivery of less than five grams, for no remuneration (payment, barter, or exchange of any kind) is considered possession and not sale. For amounts of ten pounds or less, the penalty is up to 12 months in jail.
Penalties for sale, delivery or manufacture are increased if the sale occurs within 300 feet of a school zone if the offender is over 21 and if the sale was made to a minor or to a pregnant woman.
Possession of paraphernalia is punishable by up to six months in jail.
(N.C.G.S. 90-95 as of 2/05/07)

Conditional release: The state allows conditional release or alternative or diversion sentencing for people facing their first prosecutions. Usually, conditional release lets a person opt for probation rather than trial. After successfully completing probation, the individual's criminal record does not reflect the charge.
Decriminalization: The state has decriminalized marijuana to some degree. Typically, decriminalization means no prison time or criminal record for first-time possession of a small amount for personal consumption. The conduct is treated like a minor traffic violation.
Hemp: This state has an active hemp industry. Hemp is a distinct variety of the plant species cannabis sativa L. that contains minimal (less than 1%) amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Various parts of the plant can be utilized in the making of textiles, paper, paints, clothing, plastics, cosmetics, foodstuffs, insulation, animal feed, and other products. For more information see NORML's Industrial Use section.
Drugged driving: This state has a zero tolerance per se drugged driving law enacted. In their strictest form, these laws forbid drivers from operating a motor vehicle if they have any detectable level of an illicit drug or drug metabolite (i.e., compounds produced from chemical changes of a drug in the body, but not necessarily psychoactive themselves) present in their bodily fluids. For more information, see NORML's Drugged Driving (DUID) report.
Marijuana tax stamps: This state has a marijuana tax stamp law enacted. This law mandates that those who possess marijuana are legally required to purchase and affix state-issued stamps onto his or her contraband. Failure to do so may result in a fine and/or criminal sanction. For more information, see NORML's report Marijuana Tax Stamp Laws And Penalties .