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  1. First time growing

    Help! What To Do When Your Mom Catch You Stoned.

    I am 17 turning 18 in a couple months, and my mother is suggesting i try using a bit of miracle grow for my 2 little ladies! So sounds like we are in a different boat, gl with your talk hahahah.
  2. First time growing

    New World Order being taought in schools

    Haha I think it's funny that the NWO in his history book was located on Chapter 33. Good stuff. Viva La Revolution!
  3. First time growing

    A multi vitamin specific for tokers? endorsed by the marley family??

    I dont want to be a skeptic(I never usually am), but when it comes to any form of tablet Big Pharma must just be targeting a certain group of people(being us the stoners). Is this a small company who really cares, or a big corporation wanting to make money?
  4. First time growing

    The cops are at my door

    haha damn man, my heart would beat so fast it'd burst out of my body if the cops came to my house.... even though i only got 3 plants, i've seen them grow for so long i dont want to see them go!!!! ^^ hope all is well
  5. First time growing

    did i trim this right???

    haha man, this is my first grow.. Seed sprouted out the soil Oct 5, 09. I also have rushed it hardcore, put it into 12/12 on Nov 5th.. so basiclly exactly a month haha it is a trooper though, has like 30 branches growing new leafs, now that i put it into flowering. I am choked that flowering it...
  6. First time growing

    Cool White Or Warm White Light?

    so your saying this CFL bulb >...
  7. First time growing

    PICTURES!!my new deformed leaves. whats wrong??

    i have had a seedling, now in veg for 2 weeks 3 days, even when it was a seedling, one side of hte plants leaves were fine. While the other branch's leaves were having deformed leaves, and it happens on every couple branches now its really concerning me, with it also having a nitrate defiencay &...