The cops are at my door


Well-Known Member
just pray they dont come inside if you got a op going, or your op is stealth enough they wont notice. i doubt they will unless they get a wif of the smell of bud, then they'll wanna come inside and literally sniff out the op.
haha damn man, my heart would beat so fast it'd burst out of my body if the cops came to my house.... even though i only got 3 plants, i've seen them grow for so long i dont want to see them go!!!! ^^ hope all is well


Well-Known Member
my heart would pound and im a medical pateint hahaha, but i wouldnt answer tho.
Shit dude you're right. So much drama, so little time.

THis is a long story, but I hate reading long comments so here's the book report:

My girlfriend's roommate went out with some dude from her hometown, and halfway through the night decided he was creepy. But instead of properly denying him down or telling him to GTFO!, she just ran. Vanished. Gone. The kid, who was abandon, came searching outside the dorm. He was a guest and needed to sign in, but he had no one. We all kinda just . . . abadon him.

In time the cops show up because the security guard called in a suspicious person. I had JUST burned and was smoking a cig right next to him. He was hammered and mummbling, "have you seen her? Do you know her?" We just denied everything, even though I knew this girl AND had just shared a beer with him earlier. For whatever reason, he didn't remember anyone, and we just left him outside to dry. In time the police came, and arrested the drunk kid for the night.

Meanwhile, we couldn't find this girl. We searched the whole dorm for her, every room. Me and my girlfriend checked the basement, and then I saw the saddest thing I've ever seen,

This girl was hiding in the blackest corner of this basement, drunk off her ass and just standing there. She looked pathetic, she resembled a terrified puppy. But at the same time, so immature, running away from her problems.

After all the drama with the police here, which included my girlfriend handling the interrogating pig and me giggling to Rosanne and stumbling across the internet, the roommate claims that this guy was SO creepy that she had to just leave him. Out of her incoherent sentence fragments this is what I understood:

". . . you don't even understand. . . "

" . . . this guy . . so creepy"

It was scary. She looked shell shocked.

She's smoking a cig now, and I am so jealous.

Pigs kill my fucking high.

Fuck Pigs.


Active Member
Shit dude you're right. So much drama, so little time.

THis is a long story, but I hate reading long comments so here's the book report:

My girlfriend's roommate went out with some dude from her hometown, and halfway through the night decided he was creepy. But instead of properly denying him down or telling him to GTFO!, she just ran. Vanished. Gone. The kid, who was abandon, came searching outside the dorm. He was a guest and needed to sign in, but he had no one. We all kinda just . . . abadon him.

In time the cops show up because the security guard called in a suspicious person. I had JUST burned and was smoking a cig right next to him. He was hammered and mummbling, "have you seen her? Do you know her?" We just denied everything, even though I knew this girl AND had just shared a beer with him earlier. For whatever reason, he didn't remember anyone, and we just left him outside to dry. In time the police came, and arrested the drunk kid for the night.

Meanwhile, we couldn't find this girl. We searched the whole dorm for her, every room. Me and my girlfriend checked the basement, and then I saw the saddest thing I've ever seen,

This girl was hiding in the blackest corner of this basement, drunk off her ass and just standing there. She looked pathetic, she resembled a terrified puppy. But at the same time, so immature, running away from her problems.

After all the drama with the police here, which included my girlfriend handling the interrogating pig and me giggling to Rosanne and stumbling across the internet, the roommate claims that this guy was SO creepy that she had to just leave him. Out of her incoherent sentence fragments this is what I understood:

". . . you don't even understand. . . "

" . . . this guy . . so creepy"

It was scary. She looked shell shocked.

She's smoking a cig now, and I am so jealous.

Pigs kill my fucking high.

Fuck Pigs.

Well, since you guys decided to throw creepy dude under the bus, I'd say you're karmicly lucky to have just lost your buzz. Here's to hoping no one leaves you blowin' in the wind next time you are wasted and the fuzz shows up.