did i trim this right???


Well-Known Member
so yeah... just harvested my micro grow and trimmed it last nite... what do you guys think of my trimming skills?


Well-Known Member
that's pretty much how i trim
some folks like to get all the leaves off and claim the smoke is less harsh
after a good cure, I really can't tell the difference
and there is plenty of THC on those leaves
so yea, nice buds you have there


Well-Known Member
well thanks homies... i felt like i was butchering it when i was clipping...lol... it was hard to cut down something i have been watching grow for 3 months or so, but it will be worth it when i am done curing...


Well-Known Member
it was a lil early... it was a sativa dom schwag strain i got from a sack of some killer green... i wanted to let it go for another 2-3 weeks, but i have other things growing now and needed to move on... i want to smoke it on thanksgiving... me harvesting when i did gives it 4 days to dry and 10 days to cure... i was totally uncertain how this grow was gonna turn out, due to the fact of me having know clue what strain i was working with... all trichs are about 90% cloudy/milky with about 10% being amber... next grow i will harvest past this for sure... i figure that with this harvest i will know what the high is like off of this trich combo... i am going to go amber next time since i have a couple killer indica's vegging...


Well-Known Member
also, if anyone has ever seen a strain that resembles this one, i would like to know of it... i still have more seeds of the same plant... my closest homie said that it was gonna have a real spicy/hazy flavor to it... i hope so, because i have never smoked properly cured haze...


Active Member
also, if anyone has ever seen a strain that resembles this one, i would like to know of it... i still have more seeds of the same plant... my closest homie said that it was gonna have a real spicy/hazy flavor to it... i hope so, because i have never smoked properly cured haze...
U said u were going to dry it 4days and cure for 10, if u want to smoke it properly dried and cured u should dry it for 7-10days, (slow natural dry) then cure for at least 3weeks, 4weeks if u can.

then u will be smoking real cured bud, much nicer to smoke, smoother, tastier, just my thaghts, have fun.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i agree... i just want to smoke it thanksgiving.. this was my first grow, trim, cure ever... live and learn.... i am sorta rushing this one on purpose... i know that it is ignorant, but yeah... i just figure thanksgiving will be a good day to smoke my first homegrown on... i have smoked bud from humboldt (pot of gold x trainwreck) after about a week of it being chopped down and no curing time... i have also smoked some nyc deisel that was properly dried for about a week and cured for almost 2 months... i def noticed the diffrence, but both smoked just as good...


Active Member
i was the same with my first grow, come week 7 i was standing over my plant every other minute with a big sharp scissors lol, i ended up cutting it way to early, 2 weeks infact, the last 2 weeks being the most important!!

u r right tho, live and learn. hope u enjoy ur smoke on thanksgiving, peace bruva


Well-Known Member
HA ! Don't we all,,,,just can't wait to get that harvest, checking every day,come on come on...But yeh, you grew yourself some nice Cannabis there, I really like the purple leaves. Trimming looks neat, good job , smoke on......


Well-Known Member
preciate those comments.... i am glad we are all on the same page with the harvesting early... just figure i would harvest early and have a reason not to harvest so early next time around... as far as the purple leaves, i dont know if it was strain related, but i promise you this, the schwag it came from had no purple at all... it was more on the lines of super compressed mexican... so compressed, some flakes were black... my goal in this was to smoke my own shit... i figure 8 weeks of showing sex was a good starting point... and once again, would have let it go longer, i just really wanted to smoke my own shit on turkey day.. one of the only sentimental holidays for me... most thanksgivings i will roll a massive blunt... every time it gets to the person hitting it, they have to say at least one thing they are thankful for.... if your not thankful for shit, then dont hit it... lol... my family is a blast...


Well-Known Member
i couldnt imagine having to trim pounds... this lil plant took about 10 minutes, and it isnt even a eighth...lol... however, if i ever make it out to cali, i will gladly volunteer to trim anyones harvest for a lil bud in return... you'll see me on the highway with a sign that says "will trim for bud..." you'll know it's me because of the 3 periods after the statement... lol... is anyone taking early applications? one can only wish...


Well-Known Member
one big turkey leg sized blunt , smoke it up ........ you just keep saying how thankful you are to have a friend who can grow such great shit , pass it on.


Well-Known Member
hellz yeah son.. u feel me... i love having a friend who grows dank nugs....lol...humm... wish i could meet this "friend" one day...lmfao...
haha man, this is my first grow.. Seed sprouted out the soil Oct 5, 09. I also have rushed it hardcore, put it into 12/12 on Nov 5th.. so basiclly exactly a month haha it is a trooper though, has like 30 branches growing new leafs, now that i put it into flowering. I am choked that flowering it self is like 4-8 weeks... All the waiting is killing me. I know patience is a virtue but GAAHHH hahahaha also i


Well-Known Member
8 weeks minimum usually for flowering... i wouldnt cut it any sooner than that unless it was a "ryder" strain... then maybe... i rushed mine, but i rushed it to bare minimums and even then i flowered it for 8 weeks...