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  1. M

    Can`t control temp when cloning!

    Wow, so I can keep those temperatures as long as the humidity is above 80 and the leaves don't dry out?
  2. M

    Can`t control temp when cloning!

    Hey guys im having trouble keeping my temp down in my cloning tray... without my heating pad the tray is like 78 to 82 degrees, however, with my heating tray it goes to like 88-96 inside the dome. Shold i get rid of my heating pad? Any other ideas? Venting my humidity dome to remove...
  3. M

    Did i cause my clones to flower with one power outtage!É

    So i come home from work and the power was out all day, therefore giving the plants about 12 hours of darkness... Now I have never flowered before but I believe i see a couple hairs on some of the clones... Is this possibleÉ If so, what do i doÉ 24 hour lightÉ
  4. M

    Best way to set up my plants to maximize light?

    Hey guys, I've got kind of a silly question. So I'm growing in a closet that's like 2 feet by 9 feet, and i'm growing from seeds... Now as you can imagine that would not fill the grow box properly...Now I know you are supposed to rotate the plants so they grow straight and even... However...
  5. M

    Plugging into a dryer outlet?!

    That's all I was looking for, +rep, thanks.
  6. M

    Plugging into a dryer outlet?!

    Anyone??? :-?
  7. M

    Best way to grow different strains?

    Wow, this threat blew up and didn't even answer my question :p. In my defense, here is my rationale:When you say growing to the plants potential, well I really being a first time grower was not likely going to be able to get the EXACT conditions that specific strains wanted. For example...
  8. M

    Is this a good cloning set up?

    okay, with 2 lights and no mat it hits 80-82 degrees, with both it hits about 98 degrees, and with just the heating mat and one light it seems to be around 86-92 degrees. I'm guessing the consensus would be to get rid of the heating mat???
  9. M

    Is this a good cloning set up?

    How could that work with a humidity dome?? Also, okay so i added another light and moved it a couple inches away from the top of the dome, and the temperature was just 98 DEGREES!! Ugh, so I just turned off the heat mat and removed one of the lights, I figure at that temperature nothing will...
  10. M

    Best way to grow different strains?

    Well I'm just a naive first time grower that figured I'll try all 10 different strains, and see what works the best in those conditions, and keep that one. It is a hydro system with one shared tank. Any ideas?
  11. M

    Plugging into a dryer outlet?!

    So I can plug the light directly into the 240v? how??
  12. M

    Best way to grow different strains?

    So I got ahold of a greenhouse variety pack and have been growing a bunch of different strains to see what grows the best. I took clones from 5 of the 8 strains, and will use the yield/quality of my first cycle to determine which ones i will keep. However, for the first cycle, how should i deal...
  13. M

    Plugging into a dryer outlet?!

    Hey guys, so i have my closet distributed between two different fuses, yet I keep getting both of them routenly blacking out. I have an unused 250v outlet for a dryer that I was wondering if there are ways to convert that into a 120v outlet so that I can spread out my electricity better to avoid...
  14. M

    Is this a good cloning set up?

    so put a towel underneath the tray, and then maybe add another CFL, but move it a couple inches away? :)
  15. M

    Is this a good cloning set up?

    I've got a standard cloning tray with about 25 clones inside. I have a single 26w CFL laying on top of the clear plastic top, and a heating mat underneath. Temperature seems to be around 84, humidity 85. Will this be enough light?
  16. M

    Best way to set up a bunch of 26W CFLS?

    I am doing a small cabinet for vegging and want to use like 6 26w cfls. i set up a series circuit and realized that it won't work since there is not enough voltage. What is the best way to set up a small CFL grow like this? I don't want to use 6 different plugs because it just seems overkill :P.
  17. M

    Rookie questoin: Timeline for cloning and then flowering?

    well due to growing space limitations i cannot wait 2 weeks, but i can wait 6-8 days or so, so i'll take the cuttings today and hopefully that will be enough time to know if they root. Now to figure out where to cut :P.
  18. M

    Rookie questoin: Timeline for cloning and then flowering?

    Hey guys, so i'm doing my first grow right now, and i've got 2 closets, a large one for flowering which has my vegging plants right now, and a small one for vegging. My plan is to clone my plants, and then flower the originals, sending in the clones afterwards and then cloning those clones. Now...
  19. M

    My first grow, 2x400w, 2 stage, ADVICE/OPINIONS WANTED!

    Newest pictures as of today.