Rookie questoin: Timeline for cloning and then flowering?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so i'm doing my first grow right now, and i've got 2 closets, a large one for flowering which has my vegging plants right now, and a small one for vegging. My plan is to clone my plants, and then flower the originals, sending in the clones afterwards and then cloning those clones. Now I am trying to find the best time to flower and clone them. I was told they grow 2-3x their size in flowering, so i have my largest plant approaching half the height of the closet and my smallest ones about 1/4 to 1/5th. When the tallest ones about half way up or when the smaller ones are 1/3rd, I will begin flowering. i figure take the clones like 2-3 days before?

What is the best way to time this?


Active Member
I put clones into my tent every 2-3 weeks, @ 15" high w/twin colas. Most times, I have more clones than I need, which is a very good thing :)


Well-Known Member
If you dont have much experience cloning, I'd take some nice fat cuttings a couple weeks BEFORE flowering...

That way if you fail, your plants aren't flowering yet and you can take more clones.

When I was first starting out cloning was an issue for me; My success rate was like 2/10. I've got it down now but I'd hate to hear from you later about how your clones failed to root and your plants are already a month into flower (making it a very hard and slowgoing proccess compared to taking them in veg).


Well-Known Member
well due to growing space limitations i cannot wait 2 weeks, but i can wait 6-8 days or so, so i'll take the cuttings today and hopefully that will be enough time to know if they root. Now to figure out where to cut :P.