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  1. sparkabowl

    ~ TheYuppies | Hydroponics Ebb n Flow | 3/600w MH, 2T5 Fixtures ~

    Awesome transplanting technique! Everything looks like it is coming along great - patience and practice is paying off.
  2. sparkabowl

    ~ TheYuppies | Hydroponics Ebb n Flow | 3/600w MH, 2T5 Fixtures ~

    Coming along very well. So green and healthy. Wish I could buy you a XX and tamale to say muy bueno, but here's some rep instead.
  3. sparkabowl

    What Makes Growing Vert Better?

    Whoa, nice simulation! Is that from a grow specific program or a general graphic design program?
  4. sparkabowl

    ~ TheYuppies | Hydroponics Ebb n Flow | 3/600w MH, 2T5 Fixtures ~

    Nice update. My 420 was great, picked that day to perform a final flush with some FF Sledgehammer I just picked up. Seems to be a good product - makes the water all dark and foamy so it seems like you are really doing something, we'll see if it helps the end product. Good to see everything is...
  5. sparkabowl

    Drying without hanging

    You can still use that bud to make hash, so don't bin it. If you make ice water hash, you are supposed to wait after you pour it through the work bag and skim off the mold spores on top. If doing alcohol it should be ok after the filtering, but I've never done it that way. Hope that helps a...
  6. sparkabowl

    Is there a way to convert my little HPS to MH?

    Here's a good link about making a ballast and the difference between HPS and MH. I'm not sure what components are compatible between HPS and MH, but I think you'd be better off...
  7. sparkabowl

    carbon filter exaust?

    Wouldn't hurt to run it on low speed during the night. I sleep next to my grow cabinet and sometimes at night the dank smell is pretty intense if my fan is off. It also helps keep the humidity down, and fresh oxygen for the plants. Also make sure everything is airtight in the exhaust ducting...
  8. sparkabowl

    2nd Grow..Harvest w/Pics..Thanks RIU

    Yeah, I've noticed that buds smell grassy as they dry out - you just need to give them a good long cure to mellow them out. Try not to dry them too much before the curing process because you can "lock in" that green smell if they are totally dry before curing.
  9. sparkabowl

    2nd Grow..Harvest w/Pics..Thanks RIU

    Nice harvest - some good looking nugs there. What were the specs ( wattage, grow area)?
  10. sparkabowl

    ~ TheYuppies | Hydroponics Ebb n Flow | 3/600w MH, 2T5 Fixtures ~

    Everything looks great! Can't wait to see how this one turns out - looks like it's going to be great.
  11. sparkabowl

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Great job kish! First grow under a 400? You must have plenty of experience under something else 'cus that looks bomb! I'm on my third grow and can't get my plants to stay nice and full of dense nug like those, it always ends up all leggy with tons of small buds. How long do you veg?
  12. sparkabowl


    If you cut the main growing stem, then you have topped. This will cause the plant to be more squat and the side branches will take over and become the new tops.
  13. sparkabowl

    17 days on 12/12 w/ no flowering???

    It's probably not the light leak, my cabinet has light leaks in the door that I was worried about but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Like you said, a tiny bit of cfl light intrusion is still pretty dark compared to a 400 hps. I would suspect that the plant is taking its time because it...
  14. sparkabowl


    You can top or FIM to change the stature of the plant, producing more colas. Read all about it here: You don't have to trim, just let it go natural - a lot of people do though to keep plant...
  15. sparkabowl

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Some J-1 and purple kush diesel - about 5 weeks in. Checked on them today and it seems the PKD is starting to plump because now it's growing sideways. Looks like it's time to tie them up a little, otherwise they won't be so proud.
  16. sparkabowl

    Opinions Appreciated

    Flat white paint on the walls will be fine to start with, I'd rather spend the money on decent ventilation. Without good ventilation you won't harvest anything regardless of how much light is bouncing around in there.
  17. sparkabowl

    When Is My Bowl Trash?

    But seriously, what's the point of smoking charcoal?
  18. sparkabowl

    Do Bubble Hash Bags Filter Out Ash?

    Are you talking about roaches? If so, I'd think the glandular trichomes have already been burst or melted so any resinous material would be hard to extract with ice water. The fine ash material will also get into any hash you collect. These are just guesses however, because I've never tried it.
  19. sparkabowl

    When Is My Bowl Trash?

    I'd like to think I am pretty seasoned, and I just found this because I was curious and googled it. Back when I first started, yeah pack a bowl full o' brown mex and smoke it till it doesn't smoke anymore. Now that I grow my own and have more than I can smoke I was wondering - when is the...
  20. sparkabowl

    Installing a Ductless AC Heat Pump in an Attic?

    My bad, I thought you were talking about them in the same space. Post back with how it works out!