Opinions Appreciated


Hola my fiends and future friends!
Whaz up on the RollitUp? Im seeking some advice on a grow room Im currently scheming but I coming up with a couple problems. So hopefully some of you vets out there might be able to shed a little light on my ignorance. So I have a rather large closet that Im planning to grow 10 or so plants in. The light that is currently in my shopping cart is a 1000 watt HID I think its a good deal from what I have searched so far. Unfortunately that takes up a lot of the budget I have planned for this project. WHich leads me to my biggest problem. Ventilation! From what i've seen so far Vent Systems aren't the cheapest and I only have one opening in the closet and thats the door. Will 2 or 3 fans do if I leave the door open from time to time. Also I was planning on lining the walls with mylar but I think it would only contribute to my vent problem. And those are pretty much my questions; Will 2 or 3 fans do as a vent system with a 1000 watt light? Are there any low budget vent systems I haven't considered? Should I tell mylar to go fuck itself till have enough money for a proper Vent Set up? Should I write love songs for my plants and sing to them at night? Let me know what ya think!


Well-Known Member
what color is the wall? and u can get 6 in inline fans from lowes for about 40 to 50 bucks. dont remember wat i paid 4 mine. get 6 in dryer vent and u can run it anywhere


The walls are already white, Its kinda why I think the mylar might be over board. But I were to use dryer vent I'd need to cut a hole in the wall or something wouldn't I?


Active Member
Flat white paint on the walls will be fine to start with, I'd rather spend the money on decent ventilation. Without good ventilation you won't harvest anything regardless of how much light is bouncing around in there.


Well-Known Member
r they sliding doors? if so u could slide 1 side open enough and cardborad it cut ur hole for the vent if u have a way to cut luan the would be stiff enough to hold a fan or u could use 2 sm fans like clip on type 1 on the top out and 1 in the bottom in


Nah its just a regular door. Im thinking I might have to make something like a grow tent inside my closet to get this to work or knock out some drywall (which i would like to avoid). I plan to be very diligent with this project and I wish to yield a lot. Suppose I was able to get 250 more dollars. Could i get a pretty good vent system set up for that price?


Well-Known Member
does the light u want have a cool tube hood with glass? ull want to vewnt from outside to outside of the room are u worried about smell?


Not smell so much as just temperature. Is this 1000 watt going to fatigue my plants and produce noticeably lower yields if i don't have a certain amount of ventilation. I guess this would of been a better way to phrase my question from the beginning.


Active Member
Hola my fiends and future friends!
Whaz up on the RollitUp? Im seeking some advice on a grow room Im currently scheming but I coming up with a couple problems. So hopefully some of you vets out there might be able to shed a little light on my ignorance. So I have a rather large closet that Im planning to grow 10 or so plants in. The light that is currently in my shopping cart is a 1000 watt HID I think its a good deal from what I have searched so far. Unfortunately that takes up a lot of the budget I have planned for this project. WHich leads me to my biggest problem. Ventilation! From what i've seen so far Vent Systems aren't the cheapest and I only have one opening in the closet and thats the door. Will 2 or 3 fans do if I leave the door open from time to time. Also I was planning on lining the walls with mylar but I think it would only contribute to my vent problem. And those are pretty much my questions; Will 2 or 3 fans do as a vent system with a 1000 watt light? Are there any low budget vent systems I haven't considered? Should I tell mylar to go fuck itself till have enough money for a proper Vent Set up? Should I write love songs for my plants and sing to them at night? Let me know what ya think!
I used a 250 watt in a closet with active ventilation, and temps skyrocketed to the triple digits. I figured since it was just a 250,
80 CFM was more than enough. It wasn't. I'm sure a 1000 watt could reach temps way beyond the 103F I saw.
A 1000 watt HPS will need some pretty serious active ventilation.
600 watt HPS lights have higher efficiency (more lumens per watt) LEDs are getting pretty decent as of late, and no extra cooling would be necessary.
I have used/use T5s, results were pretty good. I had to shut down my 250 watt HPS, until I get a bigger more powerful fan. And I am using LEDs. So far,
I am liking my LED the best. It is small, it is quiet (unlike the ventilation needed for HPS/MH lights), and there are no ballasts. It plugs right into the
wall, and it is on. It adds just a few degrees above the temps outside my closet, and I only need a few PC fans for ventilation. I have seen some pretty
good results in peoples grow journals with LEDs, just make sure if you do get one, buy one of the good ones. There are plenty of garbage ones out there.

There are many options for setting up a garden, I recommend researching as much as you can before you buy anything. Best of luck.