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  1. V


    I am sure you can find somebody to buy them for at least 4-5 a pill despite the amount of acetaminophen. I believe there are ways to separate the two but I am not sure how well it works.
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    immaturity at its finest

    Hey man, Fdd seems like a really cool guy and all, but how bout hoppin off his sack for a little bit, I am sure its already crowded enough as is. The fdd imposter is a real douche however and posts the most outrageous things, the real fdd has a million posts and is the exact opposite of his...
  3. V

    Funniest thing Youve Seen A High Person Do?

    I have seen a girl not be able to find her car that was 20 yards away that she had parked 20 minutes ago.. And it was nothing complicated it was as simple as walk out the door go straight your in the street theres the car.. Other then that nothing really haha, but that shit about your buddy bein...
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    11 yr old girl gives birth on her wedding day

    Ha, wtf would it matter? Anyways, 11, thats fucked up..Not just a sexual relatioship but to marry and birth a baby at age 11 is just astounding.
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    Is Anything Real?

    Purely out of curiousity, what is your basis for this opinion?
  6. V

    kids today, god damn

    ...Never heard of such thing.. Just don't by bullshit and expect to get high, find a quality dealer with quality supply.
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    Is Anything Real?

    Really, what does it matter, real or fake, you feel shit don't you? As far as we are concerned its real, no matter how artificial it may truly be.
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    How much is your daily cannabis intake?

    DJ, I get some brain theater but I don't really feel awkward about it I just enjoy it, then find my "in" back into the convo.
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    How much is your daily cannabis intake?

    I smoke around a g a day from 2 PM to 2 AM which equates to .083 grams per hour I believe.
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    What grinder should i get

    Space cases work very well and are pretty reliable I have owned a few and have been around alot, but I plan on getting a Mendo for my next grinder.. I have no experience with Mendo but they have quite the reputation and I wanna try something new, really you'll probably be just as happy with both.
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    good way to get out of a ticket and a job :D

    Thats too funny, I can't believe she till got the ticket.. Or that the idiot told her to post it online or even took video to start with..
  12. V

    Who makes the best glass?

    Yeah that sounds straight but I am not really going for custom as much as just a plain clear glass pipe with a nice perc and nice diffusion. Anyways I found a friend of a friend who is selling an 8 arm tree perc Zob with a diffused roor downstem for 175, good as new completely clean, I think I...
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    home security system

    May become the next rottweiler or doberman? Helllloooo they've definitley been that for years now haha, its fucking terrible.. Look into BSL, Breed Specific Legislation, its nuts, ridiculousy disgusting, just plain revolting.. So many breeds are misunderstood beyond just Rotts, Dobs, and Pits...
  14. V

    Wow, A young life ruined........

    I agree cb, there isn't much of a right answer, nobody wants to be a killer, but nobody wants to live with such scum... Well I take that back, people are willing to do both, but I think you get the point..
  15. V

    Irish/US Police officer?

    Huh? And titties and beer, really, you can do whatever you want? Very interesting opinion.
  16. V

    Wow, A young life ruined........

    Just because its what you choose to believe doesn't make it anymore true.
  17. V

    home security system

    Both my dogs were rescues and were both that way when I got them. My purebred still is pretty skinny as he just got over worms. I have no idea how some people can go out of their way get a dog just to chain it up outside and never feed it or play with it or anything. My boxer/pit mix was...
  18. V

    Wow, A young life ruined........

    Amen to that.
  19. V

    Wow, A young life ruined........

    Not just teach respect for oneself, but life in general.. As for society, so long as "society" as we know it continues to be so sheltered and allowed to live in alternate reality then we will continue to have this problem. Too many people lack the ability to think on their own, and figure things...
  20. V

    Wow, A young life ruined........

    At 15 you understand the difference between right and wrong but I agree that some people could change but when they commit a crime, especially taking the life of another, they should have a good long to change. Now I am not legal savvy, but is life actually life or is it only 25 years as I have...