Search results

  1. V

    Irish/US Police officer?

    Yeah you should be able to but no clue why the hell you'd want to.. I guess some people are into violating others rights though.. (Not the one granted to you by the constitution obviously, but then again even those sometimes)..
  2. V

    World Series 2009!

    There was a poll started yesterday for this exact purpose in toke n talk... You should look into that..
  3. V


    I mean, I understand desperation but know when to draw the line bro, good luck finding your herb though.
  4. V

    World Series

    If only both teams could lose haha.. (I'm a braves fan :( )
  5. V

    Blunts and siezures

    I have yet to see one but I imagine the mixture of a person you love or care for involuntarily convulsing on the ground and not knowing what to do would be very stressful to say the least. I probably woulda just called 911 and turned into Flash while I ran around the place hiding everything, I...
  6. V

    favorite tv shows

    Sons of Anarchy Life House (Only cause House is awesome, not for the soap opera part of the show) Family Guy The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Colbert Report
  7. V

    Things You Shouldn't Do When High

    I love taking a shower high, no idea how thats top of the list haha.. 9. Grocery shopping, you'll end up with 8 boxs of lucky charms a twinky and snickers bar for dinner.
  8. V

    f#ck, I BROKE the golden rule, and now I pay for it

    For real, you have a strange life my friend.. I had people I didn't let know I smoke back when I was like really young and people had yet to be corrupted, but in high school, it was well known fact that about 90% of the school was an everyday smoker or atleast did it on occasion.. That sucks, I...
  9. V

    Do you believe in things like ghosts?

    If they are real I have yet to come across one..
  10. V

    My first attempt at shade carving a pumpkin

    Hell yeah dude I hear ya, beer > pumpkins all day everyday.
  11. V

    Haha, I don't live in Vermont (assuming thats what you thought the vt was for) the VT is for...

    Haha, I don't live in Vermont (assuming thats what you thought the vt was for) the VT is for Virginia Tech, I live in GA.. Anyways, good luck in your endeavors :)
  12. V

    Anyone into prank calls?

    Personally I think its worthless but used to have lots of fun with it in my younger days.. I like to answer other peoples phones and improv something funny but not really gonna go out of my way for it haha.
  13. V

    Charity Weed

    I enjoy it for sure, it just sucks when some people try and take advantage of it though, thats when you gotta keep yo pimp hand strong.. Back when I used to slang I gave all my boys the best deals and smoked blunt after blunt with them all day long.
  14. V

    Sour Diesel for expencive, or keep toking what I got?

    Peu, perhaps thats why I love this site so much, cause I intend to do jus that.. Perhaps ;) haha.
  15. V

    My first attempt at shade carving a pumpkin

    Haha, you sound like peter himself.. Anyways its badass for sure you should try more while its still in season haha.
  16. V

    Cocaine Stories - The White Devil

    One time I sold a kid shit that was already not to great, added .4 coke .6 baking soda and the kid celled me back and told its some of the firest shit ever.. I got a free 8ball out of the deal... great shit.. White devil she is indeed.
  17. V

    My first attempt at shade carving a pumpkin

    Thats pretty badass man, thats from mortal kombat right?
  18. V

    Do you vapo??

    I don't currently. I usually stick to bowl, bong and blunt.
  19. V

    First Smoke In A Few Years...

    Congrats enjoy the herb for it is best. Drugs suck.
  20. V


    Dude that rocks! Legal vendors who will deliver as well? Nice find.