Funniest thing Youve Seen A High Person Do?

Straight forward,i got the inspiration for this thread last night when toking with a friend who was insanely baked. We have this steam roller with a detachable bowl that goes into a hole. Sometimes we smoke Jays through the hole because the bowl is metal and cant be handled for a few minutes after being torched because of how hot it gets. So this dumb ass sticks a roach thats way too short in, I tell him that. He looks at me and proceeds to light the roach. I see him inhale and poof a ball of fire goes into the the roller and down his throat. I LOL'D because his eyes nearly popped out of his skull as he made these funny faces of discomfort.
Other then that this same guy, was high and asleep as i drove him home. So I decided to have fun, parked the car onside of a gas station, roared the car then quickly accelerated like 15 feet towards the wall while honking and screaming. His reaction was again priceless.

What kind of pranks do you/have you pulled high. Or what are funny events youve seen take place.

stories plox


Well-Known Member
I got this in a email tonight and the first thing I thought was this guy is bored and very high......

[youtube]syowm2h3_9M [/youtube]


Active Member
Most of the people I started and still smoke with are veteran smokers so I haven't seen them do anything.

Me on the other hand..


Well-Known Member
I have seen a girl not be able to find her car that was 20 yards away that she had parked 20 minutes ago.. And it was nothing complicated it was as simple as walk out the door go straight your in the street theres the car.. Other then that nothing really haha, but that shit about your buddy bein asleep and driving at the wall, that gives me some great ideas hahaha.


Well-Known Member
One of my friends was so freaking high that he took the bowl out of the downstem from my bong to repack it with some weed. But instead he was pushing weed down the downstem, he must have wasted about 1 gram until i noticed and pointed out the fact that he was wasting his own weed. He had the dumbest look on his face when he realized what he was doing.