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  1. guise

    RIU Chatroom

    use an irc client to connect to
  2. guise

    How much for an OZ of the deemster? (DMT)

    like a child who wonders into a movie theatre.................
  3. guise


    butter or hash
  4. guise

    I lost my butane supplier!

    Maybe like this
  5. guise

    Just got robbed at gun point...

    hahaha, smoke him up. you shoulda offered him a job. "I like your motivation and go-to-it attitude, how'd you like to work for me?"
  6. guise

    Just got robbed at gun point...

    i'm waiting for someone to post a thread "I just jacked some punk"
  7. guise

    is it dangerous?

    i think the whole 90 degree thing is a mis conception with SPIRAL type cfl's, these aren't those straight tubes in which the tips are useless. although there would be more direct coverage with 90 degrees.
  8. guise

    Obama Legilization of marijuana

    could you imagine either or both the clinton's openly supporting some form of decriminalization/legalization/medicinal thing. I mean and really pushing for it. I also agree with the whole 18-25 vote thing. everyone I know that age doesn't vote at all, they give a speech about the electoral...
  9. guise

    Anybody Know Ways To Quick Dry?

    just don't. patience is a virtue
  10. guise

    HVAC(Heating,Ventalation and A/C0 Questions.

    hvac is my family's biz if you couldn't tell. Viceline or anyone else ever use sheet metal to make reflectors? I'm working some things out now with one. having a metal shop helps.
  11. guise

    HVAC(Heating,Ventalation and A/C0 Questions.

    use a coupling. you'll have to make one out of round pipe. cut to length, snap together and crimp the un-crimped ends. build a bay pan. you'll use sheet metal or "thermopan" to build out the area and secure it to AT LEAST 2 studs. this will be done on both sides. then mount 2 collars on...
  12. guise

    cannabutter. is it worth it??

    tin banger? you mean tin knocker - ie hvac? anyways, just be sure to use it in something that goes together. you're not just adding the butter to something, it should be something that compliments the taste. otherwise you're like the guy who uses tons of garlic in everything he cooks, you...
  13. guise

    Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

    you forgot the burning bush.... in christian symbolism the burning bush represents ideas or enlightenment. I live in the bible belt and they say that the wine was grape juice. but i've always seen the burning bush story as moses toking up on the mountain. also good call on the kaneh bosm.
  14. guise

    What To Listen To When Getting High?}

    no one said Days of the New, granted their 2nd and 3rd album sucked, but their first albume, Yellow, was amazing. I like Face of the Earth or What's Left For Me?. also, big up for The Sword. those kids rock, reminds me of Sabbath. and their 2nd album is even better than the first. Maiden...
  15. guise

    3 1000watthps Clean Room

    das alot of light. where is the air coming from? and if that's a window, I would be using it. Build out a box with a low hole for intake and a high hole for exhaust. You can find black foam sheets, or even use multiple computer foam filters to build it up, it's more to keep light out and to...
  16. guise

    Alabama Growers Thread

    i've been lingering for years and finally decided fuck it i'll register and post. anyone in alabama? just wanna see first, before I get this started.