First grow 2450 watts cfl day 24 flowering+ rep for advice, pointers, suggestions

The Good Doctor

Active Member
Ok I read back, per gallon. Sounds right. Not my fav, but that one will work.

An ounce a plant is a ruff estimate, but its impossible to tell, you have to remember, you loose sooooooo much water weight during curing. There is nothing you can do about this. If it kept the weight, you wouldn't be able to smoke it!


Active Member
So i can get these co2 pucks a hydro shop then. how do i set it up next to the plants thanks again for all the help guys.
The molasses im using is Grandmas Unsulfured molasses at 1 tablespoon per gallon

The Good Doctor

Active Member
I would put the pucks in a short bucket( they pop and fizzle a bit) next to your main oscilating fan, so it blows the CO2 to the whole room. When you are doing the co2, try not to evacuate as much air, other wise, your CO2 will just leave the room.

The Good Doctor

Active Member
Yeah Yeah Yeah, the boot strap and grandmas works. But lets be honest. Things have gone a long ways since they started using molasses for this. If you want to save money thats fine.

Don't use deer or feed Molasses though.

You will find, also if you buy one of the sugar products, they have a proper balance of what the plant needs to take in the sugar. Like your body. You can eat calcium for instance all you want. Without proper Vita D & Magnesium you will not absorb all the Calcium. This is why they add vitamin D to your milk for instance.

In the case of the sugars for plants: all natural raw cane sugar, molasses, malt syrup, need select plant based esters, L-amino acids, organic acids, polyflavonoids, vitamins and essential minerals in order to actually process all this sugar.

If you want to go simple, use molasses only, if you want awesome sweet dense buds, at least use molasses, but you can use more than that, and get more results.


Active Member
Yes The Good doctor know his stuff.
Im not super big into the molasses and stuff like that.
But i hear its a good thing to look into.
maybe on my next grow, ill see what i can do.
But overall everything is looking good. And you should be fine my friend.


Active Member
Thanks for all the help ask jeezy id give more rep but i dont think i can. Ill keep updating and hit ya up for more advice later on if ya dont mind

The Good Doctor

Active Member
No problem.

Just remember, even though it is scientific, most of this is not science. There are soooooo many variables, that it comes down to this:


If it works, then it is the right way!


Active Member
No problem, and dont worry about the rep im here for help not for rep.
Just feel free to ask whenever.


Active Member
shes looking real nice now. There are more and more trichs everyday. still more and more yellowing. still trying to get it under control


Active Member
Currently running 2x42 watt 2700k cfl
1x13 watt 2700k cfl
3x27 watt 6500k cfl
5x26 watt 2700k cfl

I will have WEEK 4 +2 DAYS updates tomorrow sometime shes doing really well other than the brown spots getting closer to the top of my plant but well see what happens. Recently did a flush to see if i could fix the problem. yesterday water with flores flowering nutes a shot of nitrogen molasses and cannazym hopefully the problem wont progress



Pardon me for jumping in but WTF are co2 pucks and how do you use them .Im a newbee and into my 2nd grow {growing is so much more fun than just buying} if some one could point me to a thread explaining co2 pucks or explain them


Active Member
try searching the forums just type in "Co2 pucks" it may come up. I use that all the time when i cant find an answer or im not getting any responses. Sorry i dont know anything about them.