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  1. BongHits4Satan

    Anyone like shrooms?

    OK, so here's my question: The only time I tripped shrooms, I had drank a 40 of OE, smoked ALOT of weed than ate the gram of shrooms in a sandwich. I didnt see things as much as my though process was completely fucked and things became far more significant then when I was sober. Did I get fucked?
  2. BongHits4Satan

    Smoke Weed With Tobacco???

    Jointwise, I straight up refuse to smoke weed without mixing it with tobacco, from a Newport is preferable but most of my friends roll their own cigarettes with Cutter's Choice so I use that alot. Bong or pipe, it's straight up weed. I personally smoke hte mix because I believe it tastes...
  3. BongHits4Satan

    Cops kill my friend

    "To Protect and Serve" my ass, fuckin pigs
  4. BongHits4Satan

    The Metal Thread

    Oh you lucky mother fucker I would KILL to see SFU or Deicide. My favorite concert was Down, with the mighty Philip Anselmo, I was hammered and ended up getting kicked out during the last song for crowd surfing, but I saw my God up there man!!!!!!!!!!:eyesmoke:
  5. BongHits4Satan

    How the fuck do I clean a pipe

    Fuck it I just used a paper clip and a water dabbed piece of paper towel
  6. BongHits4Satan

    How the fuck do I clean a pipe

    There are no head shops anywhere near me and I'm under house arrest anyway, and I meant how much salt do I use
  7. BongHits4Satan

    Obama's Certificate of Live Birth...

    Fuck Obama, and fuck Socialized Medicare. i don't want the government in that much power, and I will be goddamned the day some fucking piece of shit politician motherfucker think he can tell me how to dea lwith my personal medical financing. Everything he stands for is against th idea of the...
  8. BongHits4Satan

    Do it yourself pipes and s and other

    I once hit out of this thing that was a gatorad bottle ct in half, and they some how but like a groccery store plastic bag in it, I think they stapled it, then the's took of th cap, and replaced it with tin foil with holes in it and when you lit it the bag would fill up.
  9. BongHits4Satan

    How the fuck do I clean a pipe

    OK, so rubbing alcohol, salt (how much?) and a ziplock bag and let it sit overnight
  10. BongHits4Satan

    How the fuck do I clean a pipe

    Will the rubbing alcohol and epsom salt thing make it taste wierd after words?
  11. BongHits4Satan

    How the fuck do I clean a pipe

    So my budy sold be his metal pipe a few days ago, and It reallt needs to be cleaned (Which is gonna be a bitch cuz I don't have any extra screens for when I'm done. I'm used to smoking via joints/can, so help a brother out? Smoke on bongsmilie
  12. BongHits4Satan

    The Metal Thread

    man I saw Cannibal Corpse with Children of Bodom, and I remember when CC announced they were gonna play Hammer Smashed Face, fucking EVERYBODY jumped into the pit, it was so fucking brutal. Bathory and Morbid Angel are te shit too, Deicide is Def my fave Death metal band, followed by Six Feet...
  13. BongHits4Satan

    The Metal Thread

    Anything with Phil Anselmo singing is piure heaven to me.
  14. BongHits4Satan

    The Metal Thread

    Fuck thats a hard one, if i really had to narrow it down to 3: Slayer Pantera Deicide Best metal bands to get high to: The Mighty Black Fucking Sabbath Six Feet Under Down Eyehategod Pentagram Blue Cheer Abdullah Iron Maiden Obituary Judas Priest Morbid Angel
  15. BongHits4Satan

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    A few months ago, around 160 pounds, but theres a fucking drought so about 240 pounds. Dunno, i only buy in grams, teenths, eigths and occasionally QO's
  16. BongHits4Satan

    Anyone ever die?

    Keep in mind tht overdose doesn't necissarily mean die, it jsut mean take more than the bod can handle, iek you could OD on something an bo into a coma and shit.
  17. BongHits4Satan

    The Different Types Of High&Buzzes Thread!!

    The shit I smoke seems to only give you a head high, not a full body one. Fuck
  18. BongHits4Satan

    The Opiates Thread

    I have a question, and it might sound stupid but you didn't touch on it. Do you regret it? I mean, something having that much power over you?
  19. BongHits4Satan

    getting off opiates

    Phil Anselmo and Mike IX were the examples in which I based the decision not to fuck with opiates. All I need is my whiskey and weed.
  20. BongHits4Satan

    Dealer Etiquette

    My dealers alright, but i don't know him that well, I use a middleman. He's a nice dude, and we get along, but we;re not buddies