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  1. K

    Vegging outside for the first 3 weeks before moving indoors

    bump anyone know if I can use plant based/biodegradable dish soap?
  2. K

    Vegging outside for the first 3 weeks before moving indoors

    Thanks for the advice spek. I have heard of the dishsoap + water trick, but never tried it. Do you know if it will work with "eco friendly" dishsoap, the one made with plant based formula?
  3. K

    Vegging outside for the first 3 weeks before moving indoors

    I have 4 plants that have been vegging outside for 2.5 weeks (started from seed on July 15). I usually grow indoors for both veg and flower, but this time I was re-doing my light set up and decided to get a head start by sprouting the seeds outside for a few days while I finished re-doing my...
  4. K

    8x magnifying glass

    thanks so much ill def stop by a radio shack today
  5. K

    8x magnifying glass

    Would an 8x magnifying glass be strong enough for me to look at the trichs close enough to see if they get cloudy/amber? or do i need something stronger..10x? 30x?
  6. K

    flowering schedule question

    so i just started flowering yesterday on a 12/12 schedule. I was reading that it will flower with 11-13 hours of darkness. I was wondering what are the benefits of having 13 hours of dark. I was thinking of switching to 11 on and 13 off to flower quicker.
  7. K

    when is the latest stage i can take clones?

    when is the latest stage of growth i can take cuttings from my plants to clone. I am about to start flowering them. can i still take cuttings when they are in the flowering stage?
  8. K

    about to flower lighting schedule question

    hey guys i am about to flower my first grow and i have them on 18/6 with cfls. i was wondering if i am about to flower should i go right into 12/12 or go 18/6, 16/8,14/10, then 12/12 to make it more like the actual season change. and i do that should i progressively switch to 2700k bulbs or...
  9. K

    is my plant auto flowering?

    the other plants i have arent showing their sex yet do i have to start flowering them to determine their sex?
  10. K

    is my plant auto flowering?

    just a few pistils
  11. K

    is my plant auto flowering?

    i have a few plants from seeds and 1 of the plants has a bunch of pistils but i have them in veg in 18/6 for the past 6 weeks. the others have not showed sex so i am wondering if this meant this plant is auto flowering
  12. K

    cal-mag product?

    i am using pro mix bx. i have been checking the ph and it is a high 6. i assume my deficiencies come from my bottled water which has been purified.
  13. K

    cal-mag product?

    it says 2-0-0 does that mean it has 2 parts cal and no mag and no iron? dont i want cal and mag?
  14. K

    cal-mag product?

    hey i think my plants are having a cal-mag deficiency because i have been using bottled water. I was wondering what is a good cal-mag product/brand. I am using fox farm nutrients. anyone know of a good cal-mag additive that works well with fox farm?
  15. K

    question about foilar feeding

    hey I am new to growing and I just picked up some FF Gro Big and Big Bloom today to use on my plants which are currently about 5 weeks into veg. I read that it was okay to foilar feed with big bloom. If it is should I test the ph level of that too before i spray my plants?
  16. K

    Fox Farm Nutes?

    Thanks for your help +rep
  17. K

    Fox Farm Nutes?

    hi i am a noob and i am in the middle of my first grow. I am about 4 weeks into veg and I think my soil has ran out of nutes. I am going to the hydro store today to get some FF nutes. After reading I think I am going to get Grow Big and Big Bloom for veg and Tiger Bloom for flowering. Is this...
  18. K

    where can i get something to test the ph level of my water?

    hi i am a new to growing. the title pretty much explain it. I am looking for something cheap to test the ph level of the water i am using to water my plants which are in soil.
  19. K

    what type of water should i use?

    I was wondering the best type of water to use? I am in the middle of my first grow and I think I am having some ph issues. I live in southern ca which has very hard water so i figured using straight tap water wouldnt be good for my plants. I have been using bottled water that has been purified...
  20. K

    whats wrong with my babies? (pics)

    hmm well i do smoke cigs every once in a while sooo I'll remember to wash my hands before touching my plant. thanks for the feedback. anyone else have any ideas as to what is wrong?