cal-mag product?


Active Member
hey i think my plants are having a cal-mag deficiency because i have been using bottled water. I was wondering what is a good cal-mag product/brand. I am using fox farm nutrients. anyone know of a good cal-mag additive that works well with fox farm?


Well-Known Member
it says 2-0-0 does that mean it has 2 parts cal and no mag and no iron? dont i want cal and mag?
"2-0-0" represents the NPK(nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium) values. There's plenty of calcium and magnesium in the stuff, trust me. You'll see that when you read the back of the bottle.


Well-Known Member
Ensure that your PH is correct when using this product, or else u are simply wasting ur money. Calcium and Magnesium are only available to ur plants in a small scale of PH.. Perhaps this is how u got the deficiency in the 1st place??
Wat is ur growing medium?


Active Member
i am using pro mix bx. i have been checking the ph and it is a high 6. i assume my deficiencies come from my bottled water which has been purified.


Well-Known Member
Thats half true.. Purified water has had most of the elements removed, but the deficiency is square on you.. Not trying to be mean, but u must learn exactly wat u r feeding ur plants, and compensate accordingly.. Its all a learning game :)

As 4 ur calcium and magnesium uptake, in soil it is available to ur plants between 6.5 & 7.0.

Good Luck :joint: