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  1. D

    Happy Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for......besides marijuana?

    I'm thankful that there's twenty six letters in the alphabet. Because there could be a lot more, I mean have you ever made weird noises with your lips like OOO ahhh EEE aa, I mean there could be much more to it ya know. We were born with an alphabet in place. Not many people can say that...
  2. D

    Night smoking

    Man being a teenager is priceless. When I was one I'd smoke at night like you say and exhale the smoke via a piece of rolled up paper and blow through a crack in the window. I'd have the window cracked and the ceiling fan running in reverse 24/7 365. It's fun trying to hold in huge bong rips...
  3. D

    Talking to your plants insane?

    Yes I talk to them I say Why you growing so slow you stupid pieces of sheit!!!
  4. D

    How many lights per plant do YOU use?

    I think your doing good for what you got, they look like they will fatten up nicely.
  5. D

    This website needs Autopager BADLY otherwise it sucks

    I'm sorry this is a very informative place, lots of info, pics, help, BUT reading through threads is a B*tch. You have to click the stupid tiny numbers at the bottom of each page just to get to the next page. PLEASE for the love of ganga make this website Autopager friendly. I can read and...
  6. D

    Biggest yield outdoors....

    You want BiG
  7. D

    How to get Autopager by Firefox to work?

    Seriously nobody uses Autopager. It's Way faster to skim through pages, you should try it. Only problem is getting it to work on here, that's too bad because it's works on the "other" sites.
  8. D

    How to get Autopager by Firefox to work?

    If your familiar with Firefox then you may be using Autopager, it automatically loads the next page for you so you don't have to keep clicking "Next". Well it doesn't work for me on this site and I was wondering if anybody knows how to make the rules for it????? Please.........................
  9. D

    removing/ trimming fan leaves during bloom

    An example of a plant with too many leaves is possible with hybrids, because sometimes plants should not be bred together because you get a plant with bad structure. Seen it myself the plant did much better with hundreds of leaves removed, Because it was a bad hybrid. You only need so many...
  10. D

    Pruning a Big plant small in order to Finish?

    I understand but I want to know if cutting the smaller buds causes the bigger one's to finish faster. Please help I have not found anything searching everywhere.
  11. D

    Pruning a Big plant small in order to Finish?

    Can I add another question? I'm not trying to confuse anyone but I really would like help. The same plant mentioned above^^^ like I said is extremely leafy, for example if you take a main cola and spread it open and look inside, you will see buds and tons of leaf(like a salad) that are almost...
  12. D

    Pruning a Big plant small in order to Finish?

    I'm not getting any answers on other forums so I come here in hope someone can answer my question. Please read carefully before answering because I have not found this answer from searching. I have a plant that has been flowering outdoors for 12 weeks, it is bagseed, and some kind of unknown...