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  1. budda12345

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    one of my bagseed plants halfway through april 2010 nz
  2. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    thanks guys really sucks put im not to botherd its happend before i kinda had a felling it would happen again.
  3. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    came outside this morning to find that they had been ripped owell im not going to bother anymore this has happend before and not even in the same place.
  4. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    picture 4 is a seedling i started late just to see what would happen think it could be male.
  5. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

  6. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    Gopedxr im using a mix of allot of things lots of worm-castings different composts etc this was stated from a clone nothing special with the ferts just stuff in the garage lying round the name is phostrogen im using for budding N-P-K 14-4.4-22.4 is that ok? and Ive feed black strap molasses a...
  7. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    for sure man ,ill put up some more pics when i see some kind of change they seem to be growing slow atm.
  8. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    yeah thats what i thought.just gotta wait and see i guess.
  9. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    talking to my friends that i got that other weed of that had the seed in it seed it was of some kind of seeded mighty mite not too sure tho.does it look like it its the mutant plant ,its Mother was mighty might and unknown father could even be hermie but dont no yet
  10. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    yeah took about 5 cuttings and put hem in humidity dome ,cant wait to see some bus either should be soon as soon as it shows m growth ill put more pics up. the jh bud that i had was seeded and was still very potent so ill be interested what this stuffs like and i gave a mix of bloom and veg...
  11. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    i usually top all my plant because if i dont they get to tall.the leaves of the random plant kinda feel like paper ?? the only growth that seems normal is the new stuff.the inter-nodes are getting real close together and compact.does this mean the buds will be? the bud i got the seed out of was...
  12. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    sweet as man.and yea lots and fim.and lst it actual growing threw 2 metal frames.
  13. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    Thanks for the advise man ill do that 2moro.bloom nutes or veg?
  14. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    um not sure where seeds originally came from got them given from family,I had a seeded oz of the stuff as well and the hole light green color thing is not because of the corn because its had that color since it was a seedling the texture of the leaves are even weirder. i started it of in my...
  15. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    Any ideas of what the yellow leaves are from?and the stems to some fan leaves are a really unusual purple was a serious mutant looking thing when it was a seedling as well.any ideas on strain ??
  16. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    How much u rekon she will yeild its a clone by the way.
  17. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    i will look into it ,the lady bug thing would be good if it works.
  18. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    um no not at this point do u think i should if so what do u recommend?just starting to bud
  19. budda12345

    Jack Herer Outdoor.

    What do u think