Jack Herer Outdoor.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Jack's Back... Nice.

Do you spray some type of essential oil (peppermint/citrus) or tobacco on em to keep the bugs away?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Your own concoction of essential oils will create an unfriendly environment for pests. I did notice a few little nibbles on your second photo. Those little brown bottles of flavor/essence won't hurt your plants if you dilute it. Just don't soak the bud. There are a number of oils that will work. rosemary, coriander, cinnamon, clove, pepper, cayenne pepper, sage, lemon, lime, orange, tobacco... the list goes on. add a few drops of non-scented soap or SM-90 into water w/ a small ratio of an essential oil mix, keep it kinda warm so it all mixes.

I've read of people soaking a rag w/ peppermint and hanging it in the plant to keep em critters away. good luck, ...da123...

ps- also consider keeping on opening up the plant to keep her low to the ground and get more budding sights.
pss- if spider mites develop (photo 2 looks suspicious) u may want to treat w/ pyrethrum once, before you get too far into flowering... just a thought. then go back to oil mix and plenty of just h20 spray inbetween.


you can also go buy a pack of ladybugs at
your local home depot/walmart. place a pack
of those on your plant and it will decrease the
chance of bugs greatly.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
^^^ good advice too. they like humidity, so spray w/ water to help keep em established, not the other stuff tho.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
hey budda -

Overall your plant looks kinda light green as compared to the corn next to it. my next thought is -that the corn and other foliage u have @ it is depriving it from of some it's nutrients. i just think that you need to up the food program. nitrogen still for awhile and plenty of P and K too. the purple may have been a slight Phosphorus deficiency.

Do you know what kind of Jack you have? what seedbank... curious. ///Lookin' Good


you should pluck the dead leaves and boost nutrients also use a spray
bottle and spray some water on and under the leaves.


Active Member
um not sure where seeds originally came from got them given from family,I had a seeded oz of the stuff as well
and the hole light green color thing is not because of the corn because its had that color since it was a seedling the texture of the leaves are even weirder.
i started it of in my glass house always new it looked mutant but thought it would grow out of it.


Active Member
i usually top all my plant because if i dont they get to tall.the leaves of the random plant kinda feel like paper ??
the only growth that seems normal is the new stuff.the inter-nodes are getting real close together and compact.does this mean the buds will be?
the bud i got the seed out of was probably the best stuff Ive ever smoked the buds where so sticky hope this stuff will be like that.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
did you try n get a rooted cutting (it's not too late) just in case it's the best smoke you've ever had in your life? possibly a light nutrient foliar spray will increase results. try anything go light... will also keep the bugs off. :bigjoint:


Active Member
^^^ JH is one of the top 3 best smokes I've ever had, I'd get a couple cuttings off it.

I agree with the previous posters, up the nutes, especially the veg nutes. I think a lot of people make the mistake of switching strictly to bloom nutes and cut off the veg and then wonder why they get the autumning of the leaves. So, more nutes! Just don't burn it, peace. =)


Active Member
yeah took about 5 cuttings and put hem in humidity dome ,cant wait to see some bus either should be soon
as soon as it shows m growth ill put more pics up.
the jh bud that i had was seeded and was still very potent so ill be interested what this stuffs like
and i gave a mix of bloom and veg nutes to both.just random stuff i had.