Jack Herer Outdoor.


Active Member
talking to my friends that i got that other weed of that had the seed in it seed it was of some kind of seeded mighty mite not too sure tho.does it look like it its the mutant plant ,its Mother was mighty might and unknown father could even be hermie but dont no yet

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
poly-hybrid many phenos, plus knock-offs. usually the the better it is w/ any strain, seems like the less it yields.


Active Member
for sure man ,ill put up some more pics when i see some kind of change they seem to be growing slow atm.


Well-Known Member
What soil you use? And what fertalizers. Clone or seed? We did jack herer but storms made us cut it down early. Could of came out better

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
a pitch fork poked along the perimeter of plant can create air wells that give your roots that extra boost of oxygen if your soil is too heavy. water tho is usually the limiting factor w/ all landscape plants.


Active Member
Gopedxr im using a mix of allot of things lots of worm-castings different composts etc this was stated from a clone
nothing special with the ferts just stuff in the garage lying round the name is phostrogen im using for budding N-P-K 14-4.4-22.4 is that ok?
and Ive feed black strap molasses a few times and Ive used some liquid tomato food as well good for veg i here..
and abe supercro thanks for all the advise have u got any current grows at the moment or planning any?are u more for indoors or out?u seem to now abit about outdoor growing,


Active Member
came outside this morning to find that they had been ripped owell im not going to bother anymore this has happend before and not even in the same place.


Active Member
grrr! It pisses me off so much to hear this. My friend had a plant outdoor in a spot next to a fern next to a fence just like yours and his was also ripped out last yr when it was in full bloom :( Better yet they even slashed all his tyres...
Its really sad that these "scum" would steal others plants because of greediness and not considering all the effort that person has gone thru to grow their plants...
It happened to me a few yrs back when I had 2 plants outdoors in my vege garden well hidden with the tomatoes/corn plants so Im sure it was someone who knew me and knew they were there but I just didn't know who to point the finger at. This is why I moved into the greenhouse because its much more secure from bloody thieves. I share your pain bro :(

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
been there... sucks!
put yer patch way out in the boonies next time, or just keep it inside.
keep on w/ the kind efforts...


Active Member
thanks guys really sucks put im not to botherd its happend before i kinda had a felling it would happen again.


Well-Known Member
Time to get a pitbull and a doug house. I am sure you have a fence and gate and lock but those help. My gate is pretty hard to cllimb with out hurting yourself. Plus i got a dog it hears me all the time coming home around the site and one little gate wooden makes a noise thing i know shes barking. So i am not so worried.

Sorry to hear man. Like i was sayen its time for a putbull


Active Member
awwww dude that was a sad ending to this thread i was just getting comfy and was almost gonna sub......we outdoor growers, we all feel your pain (well im pretty sure 50% of us do) condolence's from down in Australia.
peace bro