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  1. J

    stash jar

    WOW those spoons are unreal!!! i love the one that looks like a fix with the clear chamber under it! SICK DUDE!!
  2. J

    stash jar

    how do you make your spoons? got any pics?
  3. J

    stash jar

    I didnt actually "make" the jar. I bought the jar, ordered up some custom decals, and stuck them on it lol to make my own style 420 jar instead of paying them 20 bucks for it i spent 6 dollars in materials haha. and i just sold it actually lol.
  4. J

    stash jar

    of course haah
  5. J

    stash jar

    Thanks, going by what 420science jars hold mine is relative in size to hold around 1oz
  6. J

    stash jar

    I dunno where to post this but i made a sweet little stash jar i want to show off. Check it out. The 420science, 420 jars inspired me
  7. J

    Bag seed infoor cfl to outdoor finish

    bumpity bump bummpt bump. Can anyone tell why one of these is so developed into flowerinG? could it possibly be a autoflower seed from bagseed?
  8. J

    Bag seed infoor cfl to outdoor finish

    updated pics/
  9. J

    Bag seed infoor cfl to outdoor finish

    heres some pics. the tallest plant is a little taller than 6 feet
  10. J

    Bag seed infoor cfl to outdoor finish

    noone can help ?
  11. J

    Bag seed infoor cfl to outdoor finish

    How can males be determines from females. NO SEEDS IN THESE TREES...PLEASE! lol anyone have a link or "how to" on how to determine this.
  12. J

    Bag seed infoor cfl to outdoor finish

    thanks! cant wait to see some buds.
  13. J

    Bag seed infoor cfl to outdoor finish

    Update: Plants look healthy, they have seen a lot of rain. Smell is strong. I think i see some females. Pictures look funny, the camera must have been set to the wrong setting. What do you guys think?? ps. all the spots that are yellow, are light green, sunlight was extreme and the camera...
  14. J

    Bag seed infoor cfl to outdoor finish

    Any input anyone? Do they look good? how tall can these get? also, when do plants usually begin to bud in ohio and when can expect them to be done budding. figure they will bud begin of august and be done mid october??
  15. J

    Bag seed infoor cfl to outdoor finish

    sorry for the delay. also, ome pictures have disappeared from the thread... dont know what happened but heres an update. The tallest of the bunch is about 4.5 feet. the leaves on some of these plants are HUGE. check it out. what do u think??
  16. J

    Bag seed infoor cfl to outdoor finish

    thanks pothead. lol. do you need anything else other than a bucket in a hole? a tarps or anything. once again thanks.
  17. J

    Bag seed infoor cfl to outdoor finish

    some more pics from today. There wasnt enough fence to make a second level. The left over soil was put around the base of the plants and sprinkled around. it has fertilizer in it so hopefully it can add some integrity to the soil. also, does anyone have any idea on how to collect rain water...
  18. J

    Bag seed infoor cfl to outdoor finish

    any help people of rollitup
  19. J

    Bag seed infoor cfl to outdoor finish

    so it would be safe to say my plants are sativa than? Can someone give me a little info on sativas? whats the high like? are the yeilds high, and also, whats the best way to care for a sativa. Thanks.
  20. J

    Siksol's 400w bagseed survivor grow!

    awesome. a lot of people over look bathrooms as a space to grow. The one in the basement never gets use and have exhaust, white walls, and a water source. HELLO perfect setup. keep it up. lol