Bag seed infoor cfl to outdoor finish


Well-Known Member
they look great, for sure more on the sativa side. The start of budding outdoors can very greatly. I had some plants outside and they started flowering in May because they was so heavily shaded. If they get good steady sunlight for most of the day you could expect flowering to start around late july early august. LIke I said though it can vary alot. Once they do start flowerin you can expect 8-12 weeks, more towards the longer side due to the fact its sativa dominant. BTW where abouts in Ohio are you located (IE southern, nothern etc.) Im from southern Oh and currently live right across the river in WV now. They look good though keep it up.
true and i fucked up on one of my comments sativa are more skinny and indicas are more fat......your plant are doing good u should mist them to keep bugs off like spider mites, those can ruin your whole crop!!!!!!


Active Member
Update: Plants look healthy, they have seen a lot of rain. Smell is strong. I think i see some females. Pictures look funny, the camera must have been set to the wrong setting. What do you guys think?? ps. all the spots that are yellow, are light green, sunlight was extreme and the camera setting was wrong



Active Member
How can males be determines from females. NO SEEDS IN THESE TREES...PLEASE! lol anyone have a link or "how to" on how to determine this.


Active Member
updated pics/



Active Member
bumpity bump bummpt bump. Can anyone tell why one of these is so developed into flowerinG? could it possibly be a autoflower seed from bagseed?