Bag seed infoor cfl to outdoor finish


Active Member
I started my grow indoors under 2 26 watt 6500k cfls. I popped the seeds into jiffy pellets. after they sprouted and the roots came threw the netting i ripped the netting off leaving the roots intact. I then placed them into compost pots but transplanted once again into red party cups. I used a moisture control soil. After the plants canopy became to full to allow light to penetrate to the lower leaves and frost was out of the question I transplanted them to my grow site. heres are pics while they were indoors. seeds were planted on april 2nd.



Active Member
These photos are the most recent and were taken on 5/14. Soon a fence will be put up to get rid of the threat of deer and other animals. 2 have already been ripped from ground. IMG_0284.jpgIMG_0280.jpgIMG_0282.jpgIMG_0281.jpgIMG_0283.jpg


Well-Known Member
i think they look real good man....but why didnt u leave them inside...when their inside you basically play god to them...u decide what they eat,how long they veg for when they flower, how long u flower, lest bugs pest molds.......but outside works better for some people i guess...but over all man they look good, keep up the good work


Active Member
They got moved outside because they ran out of room, also the smell was becoming too much. Also, Outside they can expect higher yields. Once they get a fence up the only real responsibility will be watering, and controlling the insects.


Active Member
Hey guys. heres an update. Today a fence was installed. Its only 2 feet high but hopefully its enough of a barrier to keep pests away. Didnt have cutters so they couldnt put up a second level. Once thats up it will be even better. Even though deer are known to jump 6ft fences this should be enough hopefully combined with the human piss smell and such. What do you think???

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Well-Known Member
Height varies on alot of things, such as genetics. Sativa's get taller, and indica's get bushier. Also depends on the amount of good soil and root penetration both laterally and horizontally. Amount of direct sunlight/shade will make a difference too, more shade more they will stretch. So there is alot of variables. From looking at your pics its safe to say they will be at least 5-6ft IMO.

Feel free to check my grow in my sig.


Active Member
so it would be safe to say my plants are sativa than? Can someone give me a little info on sativas? whats the high like? are the yeilds high, and also, whats the best way to care for a sativa. Thanks.


Active Member
some more pics from today. There wasnt enough fence to make a second level. The left over soil was put around the base of the plants and sprinkled around. it has fertilizer in it so hopefully it can add some integrity to the soil. also, does anyone have any idea on how to collect rain water? and can enough be collected to have a supply for the plants? Thanks
your plants look healthy as far as looking at em!.Sativa's give good head high and indica gives a body high........if u pay attention youll notice sativa leaves look more fat and indica leaves are rather skinny!
I almost forgot u can collect rain water by diggin a hole and but a big bucket in good keep up the good work!!!!!!


Active Member
thanks pothead. lol. do you need anything else other than a bucket in a hole? a tarps or anything. once again thanks.
well its optional but i dont about dat i just keep it plain and simple lol and dont put da bucket too deep u dont dirt or anything falling in!!


Active Member
sorry for the delay. also, ome pictures have disappeared from the thread... dont know what happened but heres an update. The tallest of the bunch is about 4.5 feet. the leaves on some of these plants are HUGE. check it out. what do u think??



Active Member
Any input anyone? Do they look good? how tall can these get? also, when do plants usually begin to bud in ohio and when can expect them to be done budding. figure they will bud begin of august and be done mid october??