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  1. C

    My first grow; week 6 into flowering

    Ha, they are definitely getting stinky.. living up to their name!! I need to buy a carbon filter but they're so expensive :(
  2. C

    My first grow; week 6 into flowering

    Hey guys, First time lady grower here... got some 'UK Cheese' seeds from a medicinal store, vegged them, then cloned those (for space management) and flowered the clones. I'm using a 150w HPS and an old Aerogarden light hood propped up against the wall in the back. They're growing in a 6...
  3. C

    Cloning in a Cup of Water

    I know I'm bringing up an old thread but didn't want to start a new one... my question is: Once my clones root in the cup do I give them the same amount of nutes as I was giving them when they were part of the mother plant, or should I start at half or quarter strength and work my way back up...
  4. C

    Are these pre-pistils? (& some other stuff)

    Damn, really? What are the chances that non-alternating nodes may still be female?
  5. C

    Are these pre-pistils? (& some other stuff)

    Aight.. good to know... looks like I will need another plan then. Teleportation would be ideal.
  6. C

    Are these pre-pistils? (& some other stuff)

    Anyone know anything about my last two questions?? i will love you forever!
  7. C

    Are these pre-pistils? (& some other stuff)

    Oops. Thanks. I'm learning, I swear..
  8. C

    Are these pre-pistils? (& some other stuff)

    Does anyone know if the first two photos are pre-pistils?? If so, any idea on the gender? As for the third [horribly lit] shot.. is there ANY way this plant can be flowered in twelve days? It's either that or I kill it because I'd be on a trip during harvest if I flower any time later.. I'm...
  9. C

    Should I start over? (w/pics)

    SICC, for future reference, should I not remove leaves??
  10. C

    Should I start over? (w/pics)

    Yeah?? that bad huh?? :cry:
  11. C

    Should I start over? (w/pics)

    UPDATE Here's one of my plants now. I trimmed off all the bottom leaves because they were totally yellow and blocking light from the new growth that is emerging from the main stem. Does anyone know whether that was a bad move and I should have just chopped off the leaf at the end? I removed the...
  12. C

    Should I start over? (w/pics)

    I just added new water with a cup of old water for a tad of nutes. I'll see if it helps with the yellowing. Thanks Sicc, I will be lowering my pH to the high 5's..
  13. C

    Should I start over? (w/pics)

    I put nutes in when they were a week and a half old.. my bad
  14. C

    Should I start over? (w/pics)

    Those domes are actually seeds that never sprouted. It has been nearly three weeks so I guess I should remove them, haha. I was just hoping they'd come eventually because they were old. But I can see that's not happening. Yeah, I'm on the foxfarm schedule at 1/4 strength.. going to up the...
  15. C

    Should I start over? (w/pics)

    Thanks for your advice. The liquid Viagrow pH down did the trick.. it is sulfuric acid based. Their crystallized version did not work. Are you using citric acid? I found that this did not maintain my pH low after a few hours. Neither did the cheap stuff from aquarium stores. I never tried...
  16. C

    Should I start over? (w/pics)

    I'd like to add that I just want enough bud for personal use.
  17. C

    Should I start over? (w/pics)

    Here are my current seedlings. This is my first grow and they are from bag seed so not a big loss. I had some serious pH problems during the first two weeks of growing which resulted in yellow spots. Now after buying a third type of pH down, I finally have the pH under control. It hovers around...
  18. C

    My pH is all over the place-- PLEASE HELP

    I wish my meter instructions had told me to store in calibration solution... would've made life a lot more simple. Thanks and buying some online now, along with General Hydro ph down.. can anyone confirm that this is hydrochloric acid based? The website says.. "The Acid formulation uses food...
  19. C

    My pH is all over the place-- PLEASE HELP

    Tap water = better than distilled?? so much conflicting info... !!
  20. C

    My pH is all over the place-- PLEASE HELP

    Ok last question, really.. can someone recommend me a brand of quality hydrochloric acid based ph down to purchase? I've found technaflora and general hydroponics ph downs but I don't think these are hydro-acid based.. I do not want to mess up this purchase.