Should I start over? (w/pics)

Here are my current seedlings. This is my first grow and they are from bag seed so not a big loss. I had some serious pH problems during the first two weeks of growing which resulted in yellow spots. Now after buying a third type of pH down, I finally have the pH under control. It hovers around 6.0-6.3 now.

But these guys have mad spots, and are stretched. They are already two weeks old and look really small. They're on foxfarm nutes.

Should I start over? :confused: I don't want to waste the time if my yield will be crap. Also, my CFL placement: yay or nay?

I have some better seeds coming (some strain called "UK Cheese". I don't know much about it; didn't pick em) from a medicinal mj store in Cali so I can just use those, but I'm scared to screw those up.

What do you think? Start over or keep? Give this noob lady grower your opinion, plz.

I'd like to add that I just want enough bud for personal use.

Here are my current seedlings. This is my first grow and they are from bag seed so not a big loss. I had some serious pH problems during the first two weeks of growing which resulted in yellow spots. Now after buying a third type of pH down, I finally have the pH under control. It hovers around 6.0-6.3 now.

But these guys have mad spots, and are stretched. They are already two weeks old and look really small. They're on foxfarm nutes.

Should I start over? :confused: I don't want to waste the time if my yield will be crap. Also, my CFL placement: yay or nay?

I have some better seeds coming (some strain called "UK Cheese". I don't know much about it; didn't pick em) from a medicinal mj store in Cali so I can just use those, but I'm scared to screw those up.

What do you think? Start over or keep? Give this noob lady grower your opinion, plz.


I would say keep them going. There is a good chance for them to rebound now that you have your ph under control. What ph down ended up working best for you? The water in my area comes out of the tap at about 8.5 and I am not having much luck getting it down with my current chemicals.
Thanks for your advice.

The liquid Viagrow pH down did the trick.. it is sulfuric acid based. Their crystallized version did not work. Are you using citric acid? I found that this did not maintain my pH low after a few hours. Neither did the cheap stuff from aquarium stores. I never tried general hydroponics ph down; my hydro store does not carry them.

Also, I made an initial mistake of storing my electrode in regular old water, which totally screwed it up, so for a while there I thought my pH was at 8.5 when it was really 7.5.

I would say keep them going. There is a good chance for them to rebound now that you have your ph under control. What ph down ended up working best for you? The water in my area comes out of the tap at about 8.5 and I am not having much luck getting it down with my current chemicals.


Well-Known Member
looks burnt a little but i think thell come back

it looks like you already started a few babies in case these ones die

are you using nutes in the res yet?
Those domes are actually seeds that never sprouted. It has been nearly three weeks so I guess I should remove them, haha. I was just hoping they'd come eventually because they were old. But I can see that's not happening.

Yeah, I'm on the foxfarm schedule at 1/4 strength.. going to up the nutrients soon I think to 1/3 strength..

Anyone know if my CFL's are doing anything at all at that distance? I can't wedge them in any closer without raising the AG hood..

2-0 vote for keeping.. looks like I'll keep these guys (well, hopefully not) then.

looks burnt a little but i think thell come back

it looks like you already started a few babies in case these ones die

are you using nutes in the res yet?


Well-Known Member
well have you been using the nutes this whole time? i find hydro and bubbleponics and all that stuff really confusing and im no expert, but i wouldnt use any nutes until like 3 weeks. i wouldnt up the nutes just yet either bro, youll get more PH and burn problems

im sure those CFLs are doing something but it would be better if colser. no big tho, i see those reflector hoods are in the way
I put nutes in when they were a week and a half old.. my bad

well have you been using the nutes this whole time? i find hydro and bubbleponics and all that stuff really confusing and im no expert, but i wouldnt use any nutes until like 3 weeks. i wouldnt up the nutes just yet either bro, youll get more PH and burn problems

im sure those CFLs are doing something but it would be better if colser. no big tho, i see those reflector hoods are in the way


Well-Known Member
i guess a week and a half might not be too bad, but thats probably why there going through this, i mean im no house but thats my opinion. id flush your res and just use plain water, maybe a drop of nutrients, for a week or so while they recover, but remember, im also not a hydro expert


Thanks for your advice.

The liquid Viagrow pH down did the trick.. it is sulfuric acid based. Their crystallized version did not work. Are you using citric acid? I found that this did not maintain my pH low after a few hours. Neither did the cheap stuff from aquarium stores. I never tried general hydroponics ph down; my hydro store does not carry them.

Also, I made an initial mistake of storing my electrode in regular old water, which totally screwed it up, so for a while there I thought my pH was at 8.5 when it was really 7.5.
I am using the aquarium store stuff now, I'll check around for some sulfuric acid based pH down and give it a shot. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
not too bad, just keep that pH at 5.5 to 5.8

nute should help at a small does,

light should be fine right there
I just added new water with a cup of old water for a tad of nutes. I'll see if it helps with the yellowing.

Thanks Sicc, I will be lowering my pH to the high 5's..

Here's one of my plants now. I trimmed off all the bottom leaves because they were totally yellow and blocking light from the new growth that is emerging from the main stem. Does anyone know whether that was a bad move and I should have just chopped off the leaf at the end? I removed the entire stem with the leaf on it.

When is the earliest I can flower? I remember reading a post by Garden Knowm saying you should flower in aero's at 4-6 inches... they've reached that.. should I go for it or way too early? They are beginning their 4th week.

bah. well, I think they are looking a tiny bit better, no?... :-?


Well-Known Member
Its all good man, i usually suggest to start over, cause i have done it many times, once you have everything you need, and everything to know, its alot easier to start over

the trimming is okay, cause they were dead but its just too much work to bring them bac, especailly since its your first go