Are these pre-pistils? (& some other stuff)

Does anyone know if the first two photos are pre-pistils?? If so, any idea on the gender?

As for the third [horribly lit] shot.. is there ANY way this plant can be flowered in twelve days? It's either that or I kill it because I'd be on a trip during harvest if I flower any time later.. I'm growing hydro, if that helps. I really don't want to kill it because it's a feminized UK cheese seed from a medicinal store (at least that's the strain they claim) and will be good smoking..

Last question.. I have to go somewhere for ten days the day right after harvest. Horrible timing, I know, but I have no other choice-- trip just sprung up on me and I can't say no to my gramps. I'm wondering whether there's any way I can leave bud drying on its own for ten days without checking on it. I'm thinking of keeping a dehumidifier in the big room outside the smaller grow room (to prevent mold but not overdry), with a fan inside the grow room. Thoughts?

Help a lady grower please! I realize I am taking big risks but would like to take the route that minimizes these the most..

peace and love to you all



Well-Known Member
Leaving the bud for ten days would probably make it turn out way too dry
A dehumidifier would make the problem worse


Active Member
it looks like you have a female plant there ive grown alot of plants from seed and that deff looks female


Active Member
I knew a guy who would rap buds in newspaper and hang them in his garage. He would take the whole plant, fan leaves and all, rap them loosly in 3 layers of newspaper and hang them. He said the newpaper retained some moisture while still alowing it to dry and the garage provided a perfect cool temp. It would dry slower but he said it was the best way to dry. Sounds like you may benefit from trying it out.

Good Luck!