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  1. S

    I have these bite marks on my plant but no sign of pests wut should i do?

    Looks like slug/snail or catterpillar bite marks, look for slimy trails on and your pots. Placing copper wire around your pots will keep out any slimy beggers. To slugs and snails copper is like an electric fence. Also place good old fasioned rings of salt around your pots to melt slugs and...
  2. S

    What is wrong with my plant?

    This is a boron deficiency, caused by a too high or too low ph level within the soil. get a digital ph meter and get your ph level between say 5.5-7.0. any ph level out of this range will cause problems. GL! P.s overwatering and overfeeding also contributes to nute lockout.
  3. S

    Thought i had it under control.....I THOUGHT IT WAS BAD PH.......But now im not sure

    Water less frequently and don't pour as much water in as you normally would. Also use half to 2 third strength nutes and not a full dose, then watch it closely. In around 2 weeks it should settle down, however the affected leaves will eventually wither and crisp up. Pinch them off when they do...
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    Pollen sacs exploded

    Let it finish and harvest the seeds and use em on next grow. I invision there will be very little to smoke from it tbh. At least you don't have to go buy any more seeds now eh!?
  5. S


    Here's your one stop thread for Scrogtastic weed: It's where I learnt how to do it. Happy Growing!
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    Clones without mothers

    Nice Vid Moma, UG has some good advanced growing vids. All this talk of cloning and splicing plants is bringing out the mad scientist in me.
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    Clones without mothers

    Sounds like a plan to me. However there's no gurantee that the clones you take will grow to be as good as the mothers they came from. There is also much debate on the subject of reduced potency from growing a clone of a clone of a clone ect. I've never tried this method so can't say for sure if...
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    are my seeds dead? :(

    Stoners at their best. Now what was I doing again!?
  9. S

    What would 8 weeks in veg yield

    8-9 weeks of flowering will guarantee the full range of cannabinoids. The bigger the range of cannabinoids that develop over 8-9 weeks will make your buds more potent and sticky and get the idea. I wouldn't harvest any earlier than 8 weeks. The yield all depends on your growing...
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    HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010

    Holy testicle Tuesday Batman! Those plants are bigger and more powerfull than I could have imagined!
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    Plants in total darkness for 3 days! 5th week of flowering! PICS included!

    They've been overwatered, as the light was off for 3 days, the temp of the soil and the rest of the grow room was reduced, therefore water stayed around longer than it would if the light was on. Not all water that goes into your soil will go into your plants. Some water will evaporate from the...
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    use them until they stop working. When the bulbs are nearing the end of their life you will notice a change in the light given off them (you can find a video of one nearing the end on youtube), it is this that effects the yield. It's unlikely that all three lights would die at the same time...
  13. S

    Light interuptions.

    Street lamps are slightly different from grow lights. For example, I have an apple tree which gets hit at night by a street lamps that don't affect the plants lifecycle. Although if your yard is lit up like a foorball field then I would probably build a cover for use at night time, just to be...
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    Light interuptions.

    A cosmic question! This one's easy. I won't go into too much detail so I don't fry anyones brain here. :-) The sun emmits UVA & UVB lights along with vitamin B and a whole bunch of other good stuff. When there is a storm or when the day is very cloudy, sun rays like UVA & UVB ect still penetrate...
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    What is the NPK

    Sup tokers! Would an NPK of 24-8-16 be ok for flowering or is the nitrogen count too high? Would an NPK of 10-10-24 be better for flowering?
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    Big Bang Feminized 400w hps topped

    Here are my ladies, there are 7 in total, three are The Big Bang and the rest are seeds I scavanged from bags of weed so who knows what they are, one of the random seeds is a stinky biatch. I apologise in advance for my shitty camera. I stuck an old VHS case in there to give an idea of the size...
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    CFL GROW..7 WEEKS FLOWER, 7 PLANTS..check it. leme know what you think

    V nice m8. If you can, add another fan to the mix and/or raise your lights ever so slightly, they look a little heat stressed from the curling of the leaves in your second pic. Take it easy and GL gringo!
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    2plants 1pot

    looking good gringo!
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    discolored leaves

    Yip looks like Nitro deficiency, check your soil PH level. The Best range to have nitrogen is a ph of 6-7. Anything out of that range will contribute to a nitrogen def...amongst other things heh. GL