Are they in round pots or rectangle planters?
A rectangle pot would be much easier to get the plants seperated without damaging the roots too much...A circle pot, well I wouldn't even want to attempt that tbh.
If they're in a rectangle pot like this one...
Could be a nitrogen deficiency, could be a potasium deficiency. Could also be something simple like overwatering. How dry is the soil when you water?
You should water when the soil is dry about 2-3 inches deep and when you do water, only put enough water in so that just a few drops come out of...
need a pic m8, of the browning, could be overwatered could be something completely different. As for testing the soil PH. You can get a cheap PH soil testing kit from your gardening store, they're very easy to use and come with instructions.
You basically mix the soil with some water in say a...
Hello buddy, the week old one may have just been a bad seed and thats why the one day old one is thicker after only one day. Also moving plants from sunlight to a 60W lightbulb at night is not good for it. Flourescent lighting is ok for indoors but a standard lightbulb isn't.
Pick either indoor...
Now I'm no expert but I've seen plants like that first hand. It looks to me like the PH may be too low/acidic. Your pic number 4 looks ready to die, I'd cut my losses there and harvest what you can from that one. Perhaps turn it into Hashish, wont be the greatest of Hashish but better than the...
One pot one plant buddy, I had 6 plants recently, two in each pot and only two (in seperate pots) survived. The root system(s) were a spagetti mess. Though I also may or may not have killed them with the water being too Acidic. /slapself
Fingers crossed this years plants work out. ;-)