Looks like slug/snail or catterpillar bite marks, look for slimy trails on and your pots. Placing copper wire around your pots will keep out any slimy beggers. To slugs and snails copper is like an electric fence. Also place good old fasioned rings of salt around your pots to melt slugs and snails into a gooe mess.
Just incase it's something of the fly or mite family, spray your plants with tobbacco juice (recipe below), it's far less abrasive than neem oil and you probably already have all the ingredients for it to hand.
Tobbacco juice: Homemade all purpose bug killing spray
You will need:
1 pint of water
2x stong cigarettes
Soak the 2 smokes in the water overnight.
The next day pour the contents into a kitchen pot (not a plant pot stoners) and add around another two pints of water.
Bring to the boil and simmer for around 4 mins.
Let it cool to room temp then pour it into some sort of spray bottle.
Spray your plants all over, making sure to spray the underside of the leaves.
Spray your plants 3 nights in a row then leave them for a week to see if they're still being eaten alive.
Also make sure when you do your first spray you have watered your plants within the last 24 hours. If you don't then your plants will absorb lots of the tobbacco juice through their levees and you don't want that tbh.