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  1. shawnx

    How to not get fat while toking?

    tbh, I also quit smoking cigarettes right before I turned 30 too so that didn't help at all. When you quit smoking tobacco your metabolism goes down. I went from 135lbs to 175lbs in about three months, but I'll take a big belly over lung cancer any day. ;)
  2. shawnx

    Great Rock Videos

    Welcome to the Jungle - Guns N' Roses The Ocean - Led Zeppelin Baba O'Riley - The Who
  3. shawnx

    Body parts you find the sexiest on a chick!

    I'm a booty man. Love a girl with a thick booty :hump:
  4. shawnx

    How to not get fat while toking?

    My metabolism was like that until I turned 30. Once I hit 30 it was like a switch was flipped and the "get fat gene" was turned on lol
  5. shawnx

    How to not get fat while toking?

    I just get high after I've had dinner or lunch. That usually keeps the munchies at bay
  6. shawnx

    If you could make it with a cartoon character...

    You got that right! :hump:
  7. shawnx

    best temp to vap?

    I've heard nothing but good things about the launch box. If I was to get a portable vap that'd probably be it. Here's a demo this girl did on how to use it. It looks like it works very well
  8. shawnx

    best temp to vap?

    I have a silver surfer and it doesn't label the temps so I'm not sure what temp I vap at. I usually just turn the knob to about the 1 O'clock position and it works very good. That arizer extreme looks pretty sweet, I might check it out
  9. shawnx

    Covering your tracks?

    I didn't think about the soil getting in there. What if I rinsed it off real good with the hose in the back yard first? I'd freeze my butt off out there but it'd be worth it to not have to deal with the smell. I live in a subdivision and all of the houses are real close to each other. I have...
  10. shawnx

    Covering your tracks?

    Sorry for the noob question, but is the rootball too tough to run through the garbage disposal? I'm on my first grow and figured I'd run all of the harvest leftovers through the disposal. I only have two plants and they're both pretty small autos.
  11. shawnx

    Joint,blunt,bong,pipe,or vapirizer

    I love vaping. I got a SSV and yeah it was pretty expensive, but the cost is easily offset by the money saved in weed. I use about 1/3 of what I did smoking. When I do smoke, my choice is a bong
  12. shawnx

    16 plants under 16 Badboy Tubes

    Glad I found this! I was watching this grow on another forum but it's been down for several days now. Subbed :)