16 plants under 16 Badboy Tubes


Going to try a Double Rack T-5 BadBoy grow here.So far they have been under the veg lights for 4 weeks from seed.
There are 16 plants in total,10 of the same Bubba as last run.6 are clones given to me by a friend.
The ten BK were popped in 16oz cups and transplanted to 3 gallon buckets a week ago.The clones were placed into cups after rooting,and also transplanted one week ago.
Every plant has had the top split once.I will split each new shoot once more before flower.
I have decided to do this as I have less limits on floor space compared to height.
The plants are in a fairly neutral soil.Very very light Guano mix and some Tarantula I found in my old stash LOL.
They have just recieved a mild (2ml per quart) dose of Pure Blend grow.Water only now untill the next time I split the tops.
Havent changed much in the cabinet other than to convert back from HID to T-5 racks.
Easy switch as all the hangers are in place.I just remove two pieces of ducting and the shade then hang the racks in it's place.
So thats the new grow.Thanks for checking it out.



Last week of veg for these girls.
Had to raise the lights as some of the strains are stretchier than others.
Tomorrow I will replace the rest of the 6500k bulbs with 2500k bulbs.
I have also decided to just go with one split of the tops.
They are chewing up about 3 cups of liquid every three days.
I will give them a mild dose of PB Bloom when I change up the light cycle.

I have also switched out the fan I was using for interior air movement for a small air purifier I had kickin around.It wont really do anything for odor,but the breeze it blows is much milder than the fan, so hopefully it won't dry out the plant sitting right in front of it as bad as the occilating fan did.

Once the lights are at maximum height I should be able to remount my Infinite Breeze fan back on the door.

Thats about it for now,ready to flower.



Just finishing the second week of flower.
The strain i have been running for the last few shows stretched like crazy again compared to the other new strains.
It does appear that the stretching has leveled out now,so this should be the last time I need to raise the lights .
So the front light in my cab is now about 6 inches higher than the rear rack to compensate for the plant height differences.
My two fans are having a harder time keeping the heat from 16 tubes down.These T-5 floros run anything but cool.
Next watering I will give them the second shot of PB bloom.Each three gallon pot is still sucking up about three cups of water every three days.
Temps in the cab run between 75-80f depending on ambient air temps.
Thats it for this time,thanks for checkin it out.



Active Member
Glad I found this! I was watching this grow on another forum but it's been down for several days now. Subbed :)


Well-Known Member
This looks awesome. I'm also flowering with T5's, come check out my grow (link in sig). I've only got 6 bulbs over 3 plants right now though.

I'm sub'd up. Let's see whatcha got.


Just finishing third week of flower.
All the girls were showing signs of deficiency as I had no proper Bloom food.
Local shop finally got some in.No PB this time so I am trying Flora-Nova.
I have mnaged two doses so far,and it is helping.
With some new strains in the mix,I can now see that my usuall strain is stretchy no matter what.They stand a good foot taller than the other strains.
So I now am running one rack a foot higher than the other.
Other than my original Bubba strain,I dont know what the other strains are.
I was mailed the seeds and they are only labeled "cc" "h" and "g".The CC is Cotton Candy...the other two I have no clue.Whatever the "H" is though ,it produces amazing flowers.The multi-colored hairs remind me of the old Berlin Strain I ran years ago.
Unfortunately with no seperate veg space all my crops are one shot deals,no cutting clones etc.
I may change that before next grow.
So thats it for the start of fourth week,1/2 way there!



Well-Known Member
Yeah, digging the pink pistils, too bad you can't take clones, I want one! Looking good, glad to see the T5's doing their job!


Active Member

These are looking very nice. You seem to ave a very green thumb. Did i miss something? Why do you change the bulbs from Veg to Flowering and the you use lower Lumen's for flowering than vegetation?




These are looking very nice. You seem to ave a very green thumb. Did i miss something? Why do you change the bulbs from Veg to Flowering and the you use lower Lumen's for flowering than vegetation?

The "6500" and "2500" are not refering to lumen output, it is the Kelvin Temperature of the bulbs.Ie. the color.