best temp to vap?


Well-Known Member
Yep you get all of that for under 250 bucks. Lifetime warranty on element.......I got mine factory direct when they first came out for 199 and free shipping.


Well-Known Member
a i use extreme as well
iwas wondering how long before someone asked what typ vap we talkin

volcano is the best but for $$ extreme all the way
i dont drive a mercedes either but i get there on time in my toyota

wit the extreme i was doing 2 gags ata time then my wife told me it was only a oven stuffer roaster bag for chickens
so i went out and found one for turkeys and wala now only do one big bag les time wasted on refill -try it

every now and again i still need my pipes though



Active Member
I have a silver surfer and it doesn't label the temps so I'm not sure what temp I vap at. I usually just turn the knob to about the 1 O'clock position and it works very good.

That arizer extreme looks pretty sweet, I might check it out


Well-Known Member
Anyone here use any of the portable vap's? I am 99% sold on the magic flight launch box, and it has a lifetime warranty as well.

Great info folks!!


Well-Known Member
I have the Ex Q and the MFLB...both do a good job! I usually set my Q at 200c and let'er rip. Both of these vapes are worth every penny.....