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  1. S

    tincture question

    if you use cold method to make tincture do youhave to keep it in the freezer or can it sit out afterits done/
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    how long does nutrients and sprays take to expire

    does anyone know?
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    making oil out of hash?

    good points i might try it with the crap pulled from the first couple bags and see how that goes cause i really dont know what to do with that stuff. i will definitely let you know if i do.
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    making oil out of hash?

    can you make oil out of hash? i figured it would be betterto make hash then make oil out of the hash so there was less waiste to blast with butane? thanks
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    hy brix molasses phing?

    yeah i know you should know your ph i didnt know if you ph it back up after you drop it with the molasses
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    hy brix molasses phing?

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    hy brix molasses phing?

    do you ph before you add hy brix molasses?
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    tempatures for lights off

    im in northern so i couldnt even imagine how bad it is there cause its not even that hot here.
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    tempatures for lights off

    yeah they normally go down a lot but not when its warm out and when the sun shines right on top and 2 sides ofthe room so temps actuallygo up but its like 77off and 70-76on. cant wait for winter.
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    tempatures for lights off

    is it a problem if tempatures dont go down when lights are off?
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    more intake or out take?

    do you need the out take to be more or the intake? i have a 14 aircooling and a 12 for the in.. i think i need more out to pressurize the room but im was trying to figure out what size of fan would work. i was guessing 10 or 12? thanks
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    tempature controler???

    im looking for a controller that you can plug a fan or something and it will turn on and off according to what the tempature is. not sure what its called. thanks
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    how many times shoul you top??

    how many times shoul you do this
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    soils not drying out and plants are dieing

    thanks everyone i think im going to wait it out the rest of them seem to be ok
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    soils not drying out and plants are dieing

    well i watered them and didnt realize they were still sitting in water until the next day. so after 5 days they are still really heavy. i know whats wrong. i need to know what to do about wet soil. and if moving the soil will help with this problem. i dont need you to see pictures to tell me...
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    soils not drying out and plants are dieing

    i have some babies and the soil got really wet. some of them are starting to die. what should i do. i stirred some of the soil around to try to help it dry. i dont know if that will help or not. anyone have any ideals.
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    new growth curling overspraying??

    cool thats what i was thinking as well. thanks.
  18. S

    new growth curling overspraying??

    it stays 70-85 depending on the time of day. lot of airmovement and venting. its not everywhere either just some. everything is good color to.. i feel like i oversprayed. im just curious if it will be ok. or anything i should do.
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    new growth curling overspraying??

    leaves are curling under specially the new leaves .. sprayed with pestout yesterday and kinda sprayed heavy.... could that caused my plant to do this. and will it be ok. still green fan leaves are curled under a little and new smaller, not developed fully, leaves are curled pretty good like ram...
  20. S

    changing light schedule..?

    yeah i think the sun is shinning straight on the room at 12 and is not so quite over the house at four at least i feel like thats tru.