changing light schedule..?

im veging in a 18/6 and its on from 6pm to 12pm but getting to hot right before suppose to turn off... can i chang it to 4-10 without messing things up?? thanks


Active Member
im veging in a 18/6 and its on from 6pm to 12pm but getting to hot right before suppose to turn off... can i chang it to 4-10 without messing things up?? thanks
I dont think itll be a problem. But wont it be really hot at 4pm too? Just thinking.
yeah i think the sun is shinning straight on the room at 12 and is not so quite over the house at four at least i feel like thats tru.


Well-Known Member
Hey whts up guys.

quick question: if you don't mind.. maybe a little help with it?

I'm in a situation here.. I've got two (from feminzed seeds) of Nirvana's 'ICE' plants going.. and they only 11 days into flowering and haven't showed me any white pistils yet. I'm thinking that maybe they just haven't had long enough time of flowering just yet.. to be showing sure signs of their true sex.
Though its been a while since I've actually sexed a plant.. I think I remember it taking a good 14-20 days before seeing the first signs of true sex.

So again, I think they just need longer to show their sex to me.

But the reason I brought this up, is because i started them, (when I started them in flowering) with a 11/13 light schedule instead of the normal 12/12. I've found that this can help induce full flowering sooner actually.. also helps buds build up better.. and therefore giving out bigger denser buds at harvest time. But, see I've been late a total of 3 maybe 4 times so far, with turning off the lights in order to keep the 11/13 time schedule. I don't have a timer yet.. never have had one. I have to get up each morning to go to the Methadone clinic, so I'm always up in plenty of time.. for lights ON time.. but so far, this grow, for both plants... I've been late flipping the lights off for them.. and I know this isn't any good for a plant that's trying to flower.

So I guess my question really.. would be this. These being feminized seeds (which helps reduce males), how much of a chance you guys think that both plants have been stressed to much by missing lights off time.. 3 or 4 times?? and causing them to hermie on me?

(I will say this, the shorter pheno that I ended up with.. its got a TON of leafs. She, is weird.. the leafs on node #5 (have 8 blades); the node (or branch set) above that one.. which is node #6, the leafs have actually formed (9bladed leafs.) Its nuts.. I've never seen a plant with that many blades per leaf.

But anyhow, any help with this.. would be greatly appreciated.
