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  1. beelbyman

    Few weeks left

    Thank You .. for the response man you are right they dont come off easy and I'm gonna sit back and chill for a few more weeks. Thanks again.
  2. beelbyman

    Few weeks left

    few weeks left however my leaves are showing some stress... any advice? Im on 400 watts HPS and 12/12 / 1000 ppm dyna gro / ph 5.8 Any Ideas? wondering if I should do a straight flush for a week no nutes just ph 5.8 H2o ?? Some Clones doing well and ready to go into a few days veg before i try a...
  3. beelbyman

    Bucket Grow Roots

    Thanks, just moved to new bucket where they will get more light and did a small trim as suggested, think im gonna be cool. I guess i shouda moved these outta the cloner sooner. Peace...
  4. beelbyman

    Bucket Grow Roots

    I shut the pump off for the pics, I have two healthy ak48 Females and the other two are ak's as well but smaller and not getting the light they need so I wanted to move them to a smaller bucket with bigger baskets, should i trim some of the roots or just transfer in the cups their in? Thanks ...
  5. beelbyman

    Bucket Grow Roots

    I have a bucket grow doing and the roots are wayyy down in the bucket I am planning on moving a few into their own buckets my question is can I trim the roots and how far down should i go if i can?
  6. beelbyman

    400 watt Mh conversion ??

    How about re-wiring the ballast and putting a HPS socket on the end? it's still 400 watt right? I do have a Socket for Hps it says 600 volt 1500 watt on the inside of the Porceline socket two wires coming offf it...
  7. beelbyman

    400 watt Mh conversion ??

    Okay im following you now, I see some folks used to only use MH lights through their whole grow. I would just need to go to 12/12 at flowering and add a couple Cfl's in there to complete the light spectrum ? do cfl's come in warm white /cool white or would i get any one of them at 68 watt 2700k...
  8. beelbyman

    400 watt Mh conversion ??

    So I 'd flower with Cfl's? wouldnt it take alot of those to flower maybe 6 plants? and do they pack the punch even a shitty conversion bulb would? Thanks for the quick reply too.
  9. beelbyman

    400 watt Mh conversion ??

    Okay so I purchased these 400 watt lights for $10 a peice, good deal thats why i bought before i new the answer to this question... Can I convert these to HPS ? do they have a conversion bulb from MH to HPS ? If so Where? or would I just purchase a Light fixture? My plan was to make these remote...
  10. beelbyman

    Thinking i F*#@$ Up big time

    Kinda figured, the sucky part is they were Feminized AK48 and my last two but i'll Mother this one i have. Thanks people......
  11. beelbyman

    Thinking i F*#@$ Up big time

    so I planted two feminized seeds they both popped their heads up yeasterday, today i reached for something and the top of the little baby broke off clean at the top of my rockwool. Am I done will it regrow? the top was about half an inch tall and that was it.....Im pretty piossed at my...
  12. beelbyman

    Dyna Gro with distilled water?

    I use it and Grow fine, No Ph problems except when you start your Flowering youll add your nutes and then need PH up. during Veg you'll use PH Down.
  13. beelbyman

    Nirvana AK-48 Feminized 600W Grow

    Right now your not going to have any problems with smell but when these begin to bud they are going to smelllllll so get a canfan and think about the discharge air.. something like this with dryer vent running to a chimney vent a high window will work in a pinch just remember if it exits the...
  14. beelbyman

    Quality of weed grown with fluorescent lights?

    I use 4 flourescents two warm and two cool Whites, I usually keep them within inches until they are about three weeks old and then i'll go 8 inches and let them take off I have been growing for a while and have NO problems doing my grow this way. use drip feed but this time around i did EBB and...
  15. beelbyman

    Nirvana Seed !!

    Thanks for the Feedback Guy's it's all free anyway so ill fill you in on the turn out I used 4 of them to see what I had and ran two mothers of the Indica... Aurora Inidca is Amazing if you havent tried it yet I strongly advise....
  16. beelbyman

    Nirvana Seed !!

    Okay so I got my Seeds from Nirvana (Very Fast) and in my package of Feminized Aurora Indica's was another Package labaelled "FREE" Very cool however i am curious are these Aurora's as well or is it a Mix of possible males and female? anybody else have this happen? Thanks Not dissapointed in any...
  17. beelbyman

    Aurora Indica Scrog/Screen of Green journal with pics!

    Just finished my Feminized Aurora Indica seeds grow, I did Ebb and Flow and the smoke was AMAZING really mellow I just started a newAk48 but im sure /c ertain ill go back to the Aurora I absolutely loved that strain. Hey this is an awesome lookng grow too I just checked out the video. Nice Job...
  18. beelbyman

    New grow : AK 48

    I just dropped this seed in my Rockwool cube 24 hours after cracking in a cup of water and check out how it popped up, Seed shell still on her head :eyesmoke: Oh and I know she's a she because i got her Nirvana... BTW thanks for the 10 Free seeds Nirvana. not sure what the sex on the free bees...
  19. beelbyman

    Flowering after Two days into Vegging

    Thanks sagensour for the spirit of Experimentation, I'm waiting on some Feminized seeds now and plan on trying this method but im going to do my homework on the Nutes and how they are being started and finished. just went through some of this guys other vids and he's got some interesting ideas...
  20. beelbyman

    Flowering after Two days into Vegging

    Seen this video, it resembles my set-up but this is much larger than mine (personal smoker) my question to some of you more advanced growers is Do you think this is a possibility? it seems like he's cutting his clones and once they root nicely he will...