Bucket Grow Roots


I have a bucket grow doing and the roots are wayyy down in the bucket I am planning on moving a few into their own buckets my question is can I trim the roots and how far down should i go if i can?


Well-Known Member
how old how big, pics would help. you can root prune, if they are going into there own buckets just prune enough to seperate.try not to leave root clippings in the water.


100_5069.jpg100_5066.jpg100_5067.jpg100_5068.jpgI shut the pump off for the pics, I have two healthy ak48 Females and the other two are ak's as well but smaller and not getting the light they need so I wanted to move them to a smaller bucket with bigger baskets, should i trim some of the roots or just transfer in the cups their in?
Thanks . shouilda done pics befor ei forgot.


Well-Known Member
sweet roots, its gunna be a bitch getting those into bigger net pots without trimming , but only take what you have to. i would leave them long enough to stay in the water in there new buckets so you wont need the pump. when i root prune i will usually prune on top to. not the top but thin a few lower branches that are inside and not really getting light.


Thanks, just moved to new bucket where they will get more light and did a small trim as suggested, think im gonna be cool. I guess i shouda moved these outta the cloner sooner.