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  1. Stealthy Sativa

    My First Grow - Pics to be updated

    My Grow consists of one 4 bulb Pioneer Fluorescent , fan suspended under the top shelf, temp/humidity meter and 4 little girls+random bag seed
  2. Stealthy Sativa

    Help! CFL grow-3 week death

    it may be possible to that there might not be enough im going to get a dome to put them in....the heat coming off those bulbs seems to be pretty strong and my guess is that its just drying out the plant to quick
  3. Stealthy Sativa

    Help! CFL grow-3 week death

    ok so im trying to breed a lovely little girl and every one i plant seems to grow strong off the line...and then after about 2-3 weeks she gets to about 2 inches tall and then seem to just die off and shrivel up and dry out... Here are my grow practices... -Wash up before handling anything...
  4. Stealthy Sativa

    Nirvana Experience?

    well once i get my babies planted you will be seeing more of me in the "show off" forum
  5. Stealthy Sativa

    Is it time for flowering???

    ok so i ended up getting myself a 6500k fluorescent hanging grow light along with some other lovely stuff so im throwing my cfl bulbs in the junk drawer and stepping up to the plate and hopefully produce some gorgeous girls
  6. Stealthy Sativa

    Nirvana Experience?

    ok well the verdict is in...i think im going to buy from Attitude...considering Nirvana-seeds will not ship to a different address than my billing i hope that my Attitude products get to me in a safe and confidential taking everyones experiences into consideration
  7. Stealthy Sativa

    Emergency Help!!

    she grew to about 2.5 inches tall and now she is dieing on me i didnt have the chance to take a good pic but i still have her in the cup to wait it out and make sure she cant pull through...its ok though i got more seeds germinating as we speak...and i just so happened to buy myself a pretty...
  8. Stealthy Sativa

    Emergency Help!!

    i wasnt sure and i couldnt tell how many were in there and i didnt want to take any chances but i guess i took a huge chance and now im at a loss
  9. Stealthy Sativa

    Nirvana Experience?

    anyone have any other sources for seeds that have a web page like that automatically converts currency? (i dont trust sites that cant convert currency automatically) a site that has been proven reliable? i found this site....let me know if anyone has used any of these guys...
  10. Stealthy Sativa

    Emergency Help!!

    the roots were only exposed for about 3 minutes....and now she is wilting and her leaves have shrunk to half the size they were...unfortunately i think she is on her way out :(
  11. Stealthy Sativa

    My Local Garden Shop

    ok with that going out right now to go get myself a 400w hid set up most likely a hps
  12. Stealthy Sativa

    My Local Garden Shop

    well right now im running 3 fluorescent bulbs and wasnt sure if it was a bad thing to switch the light source when the plant is 3 assuming it better to change it now before it gets any bigger if i should even change at all
  13. Stealthy Sativa

    My Local Garden Shop

    does anyone have any thoughts on this system? im looking for a good way to grow using fluorescents for a few plants with a limited budget right now. any ideas would be great...thanks
  14. Stealthy Sativa

    Reccomendation of Nutes?

    i know there are alot of nutes out there to choose from and im wondering what the common nutes would be for water additives and soil additives? and what are the best options?
  15. Stealthy Sativa

    Emergency Help!!

    i know she is quite young right now so she is pretty impressionable but i did not know if the uprooting would shock her
  16. Stealthy Sativa

    Emergency Help!!

    I have a severe problem and any advice would help please.....ok so my little baby is 2.5-3 weeks old and i just found out that we have termites in my house and go figure they were hiding in the drain holes in the bottom of my solo i immediately did an emergency transplant to rid the...
  17. Stealthy Sativa

    Is it time for flowering???

    yeah i have the bulbs about 3-4 inches from the top of the plant and check on it every day and water every other or every 3 days depending on the dryness of the top soil...the plant is in a 2'D x 4'W x 7'H..the temp seems to be staying right around 70...i only open the door once a day and i have...
  18. Stealthy Sativa

    Is it time for flowering???

    excuse my ignorance about lumens and new to the growing scene...right now im just trying to get 1 plant to grow to see what the outcome is...if it turns out that my plant is female then i will most likely clone it and then purchase some good seeds and expand my grow potential...
  19. Stealthy Sativa

    Is it time for flowering???

    ok so this seems to be turning out be be just an arguement over as far as my bulbs go im running (3) 26 watt cfl's which are producing a total of 300 baby seems to be growing pretty quick... so back to the original question....when is the perfect time to start flowering...