Search results

  1. Stealthy Sativa

    Nirvana Experience?

    :?:is anyone aware of any local sites (USA) or anything who sells seeds...even with everyones feed back about im still a little nervous about buying from the netherlands...and now i see there are multiple nirvana far as the site i have been looking at i asume its...
  2. Stealthy Sativa

    My Local Garden Shop

    im pretty new to the grow scene but as far as my set up using CFL's and using the Fox Farm "Ocean Forest" not to sure how well it will turn out but we will see....i have just been reading up on everyones input on this forum getting myself some ideas as well as using some...
  3. Stealthy Sativa

    My Local Garden Shop

    I have this store right down the street from me that has a chain store website i would like you guys to check out and tell me what you think. I have not done much price comparing but they seem to be pretty decent. :clap:
  4. Stealthy Sativa

    Nirvana Experience?

    im leaning more towards white widow and blue mystic...anyone had experience with these?
  5. Stealthy Sativa

    Nirvana Experience?

    for the record i have 7 in mind to choose interested in the AK48, Blue Mystic, Papaya, Snow White, Venus Flytrap, White Castle and White Widow....anyone have good or bad input for any of those?
  6. Stealthy Sativa

    Nirvana Experience?

    i appreciate the warning...i plan on only getting two different plants and buying a total of 5 seeds of each plant...feminized of course
  7. Stealthy Sativa

    Nirvana Experience?

    so i assume you are from the US then...what is the best why to pay them? i want to use my debit card but not sure if it will trace back to me...gorgeous plants btw....nice job...this will be my first grow experience and i have a few strands picked out that i want
  8. Stealthy Sativa

    my infamous intro!

    just dropping in to say whats up to all my common smokers
  9. Stealthy Sativa

    Nirvana Experience?

    just wondering if anyone here from the US has done business with Nirvana? reliable? Safe? any input would be great... thanks