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  1. tokemasterfresh

    Need advice on getting rid of spider mites

    Does anyone know how I can get rid of spider mites? I picked up some new clones almost two weeks ago and today on my other plants I found spider mites. Is there any way to get rid of these fkers or what? Also, does anyone know how long these mites eggs take to hatch? I've grown outdoors on my...
  2. tokemasterfresh

    Spider mites

    Does anyone know how I can get rid of spider mites? I picked up some new clones almost two weeks ago and today on my other plants I found spider mites. Is there any way to get rid of these fkers or what? Also, does anyone know how long these mites eggs take to hatch? I've grown outdoors on my...
  3. tokemasterfresh

    I recieved a letter from Marc Emery's Wife Jodie Emery.

  4. tokemasterfresh

    Officials to stamp out dispensaries in LA

    Despite skirting controversial issues, the planning committee did make progress on a draft ordinance. The proposal would require dispensaries to be at least 1,000 feet from schools, parks, libraries, religious institutions, child-care facilities, youth centers, hospitals, drug rehab centers and...
  5. tokemasterfresh

    Officials to stamp out dispensaries in LA

    The following is from the LA Times: Some officials challenge legality of over-the-counter medical marijuana sales The L.A. city attorney and county district attorney say purchasing marijuana at dispensaries is illegal. Officials aim to stamp out 'greedy' dispensary owners who buy, rather than...
  6. tokemasterfresh

    Ionic Breeze for the smell

    Yes, its a noticeable difference. If you have a large garden you may want to get more than one at the price.
  7. tokemasterfresh

    Ionic Breeze for the smell

    I have an ionic breeze and it sucks. It sucks so bad its not even funny. For real it doesn't work for anything. If you smoke with ionic breeze it doesn't do jack. In fact its so bad that I did some research beacuse I dindt think it was effective at all. One study I saw said it only takes about...
  8. tokemasterfresh

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    dgk You claim you talked to an attorney on a Sunday about MMJ. So you have a MMJ attorney that you can get a hold of on a weekend. You aslo said or implied he was used by you or you have asked him questions before. Then why would you get all upset at some just suggesting that this situation is...
  9. tokemasterfresh

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    I didn't ever claim to be all in with cops and attorneys. And as for you and your mom who gives a flying rats ass. She went to Harvard Law? So? Who cares. Maybe she did maybe she didn't. Your friends are all cops and you grow pot. Cool. thats just great. I hope you all the best. And as for you...
  10. tokemasterfresh

    Should I cut dead part of leaves off?

    Thanks for the input. I think it was from them being dry based on yor response. I just recently brought some clones home and they were totally dry when they arrived. All the new growth is very healthy so I'll let it go. Appreciate the advice.:peace:
  11. tokemasterfresh

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    looks like our friend wont have this happen to him with all the swell advice he gotten here. Its kiss a cop day.kiss-ass The cops would be "well as long as I'm here..." Clink, clink (handcuffs.) "...It's for your protection as...
  12. tokemasterfresh

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    Some of you are touting pots legality. Do you declare it on income tax, do you 1099 it or what?
  13. tokemasterfresh

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    That's one case. I'm not convinced. There always one.
  14. tokemasterfresh

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    Thank you for posting that. It really actually proves my point. When someone gets wind of a marijuana grow it gets in the news. its the talk of the neighbor-hood, water cooler, what have you. But worst of all it becomes the talk of the PD. Unless you are prepared to deal with that. Real co-ops...
  15. tokemasterfresh

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    As for a count on this web site who cares? Your the one that cares about that. Not me. In addition i'd like to ad, your right its all legal thats why the shits 60 bucks an eighth? Because its legal. Your type wants people to act like ita all legal, but let me tell you something. You sure love...