Should I cut dead part of leaves off?

I have a few leaves that have died a little on the tips. Not bad at all. Should I cut the dead part of the leaf off? I think harm was done by aphids. Also there are two yellow spots in the middle of some leaves. What should I do about that? Thanks.:peace:


Active Member
I have a few leaves that have died a little on the tips. Not bad at all. Should I cut the dead part of the leaf off? I think harm was done by aphids. Also there are two yellow spots in the middle of some leaves. What should I do about that? Thanks.:peace:
Hey, I might wonder about a few things first...Why are the tips drying? Yeah maybe aphids but a nutrient and or pH imbalance tends to be more likely. Could even be they're too close to the lights eh? Even flourescents can over heat a leaf. Don't sweat the dried out part unless you're a neat freak. If you are then You can just rub the dry part off in your fingers. Totally dead leaves or leaves that are 1/2 to 3/4 wrecked should be removed, otherwise they attract fungus etc.
I'm wondering how often you irrigate? What method you are using;Soil or Hydro? What are you feeding it? Are you growing Indoor or Outdoor? These questions may resolve the yellow spot question you had. Yellow spots...sometimes too frequent a watering pattern, sometimes a nutrient imbalance. pH maybe too low or too high for proper nutrient uptake. so....I'll subscribe to this thread and keep in touch to see if you can fill in the blanks for me....then maybe we'll get closer to the possible causes...meanwhile, Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed:
Thanks for the input. I think it was from them being dry based on yor response. I just recently brought some clones home and they were totally dry when they arrived. All the new growth is very healthy so I'll let it go. Appreciate the advice.:peace: