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  1. YoukilledKenny


    hmmm haven't heard of it, gonna have to look it up. That would be nice to have on hand for the grow room. since there's only 2 balls on each plant that i thought are hermie i'm gonna cut them off and inspect everyday. if they keep growing back or get more and more than out they go. but i think...
  2. YoukilledKenny


    Heres some pics of the other ones 2 weeks in flowering... hopefully they stay ball and seedless
  3. YoukilledKenny


    thanks for the replies. I thought i got lucky having only one male from 6 seeds. I think it might be a light leak from the closet were the clones are. dammit!!:wall:
  4. YoukilledKenny


    Ok, i started 6 seeds awhile ago. out of six one was a male, tossed that a long time ago. I waited till they showed pre flowers and started 12/12. 2 weeks into flowering and one i'm sure is a hermie and the other not so sure. The first 2 pics are the one i'm not sure of and the last two pics are...
  5. YoukilledKenny

    Vegitiative state question

    You could force your plant if you want but usually they show pre flowers when their mature and ready to flower. i would wait at least 4 weeks if your gonna do it. Sativa's generally have a longer flower period and take a lot longer to finish. you could also prune, top, or train your plant by...
  6. YoukilledKenny

    Im worried bout my lil seedlings

    If you do put it on a cable box make sure you check frequently and keep it moist because it'll dry out quick, mine did at least. who knows maybe i watch to much tv :lol: But they still might pop out of the ground, life will find a way! just keep the soil moist not soggy or to wet by spraying the...
  7. YoukilledKenny

    My First Grow - Seedling Probs

    During veg you want a high Nitrogen and when you flower you want high Phos and low Nitrogen. You want something like 20-20-20 in veg or 17-17-17. I occ use 5-1-1 fish emulsion to get other nutrients like iron, mag, etc... it stinks realy bad but the smell goes away from the soil after about a...
  8. YoukilledKenny

    My First Grow - Seedling Probs

    I don't think it's heat stress, flouro's don't produce enough heat, you could have them touching the plant and it wouldn't burn them from the heat. if your temp is 23C then it's 73 F. anything over 80-85F is getting a little hot especially with not adequate airflow. i think it may be nute burn...
  9. YoukilledKenny

    New Grower Needs a hand with some plant troubles

    The ph is low it should be between 6.5 and 7. if its out of range it can cause nute lock so your plants can't take up nutrients. i would adjust your ph. how much do you fertilize? there is ph up and down stuff you could add to water when you water. you could add lime that you can get at home...
  10. YoukilledKenny

    Please help my poor plants

    Yes you don't have to use them and everybody has their own way of doing things but i don't think their over rated, i agree with demonic that the roots might not be good enough yet and they do help with that kinda like when you take clones, you need to keep them humid for a while for better...
  11. YoukilledKenny

    My First Grow - Seedling Probs

    Ok i just realized you meant celsius on the temps :lol:
  12. YoukilledKenny

    My First Grow - Seedling Probs

    Well i'm a little confused, you say your temps are 18-26 degrees? that is way to cold. the ph should be between 6.5 and 7 in soil prefferably in the 6 range. Tap water does not have nutes in it, it does however have chlorine and other shit. if you use tap water let it sit uncovered for 24 hours...
  13. YoukilledKenny

    Im worried bout my lil seedlings

    Also feminized seeds are way more prone to turn into hermies so keep a close eye on them when you start flowering.
  14. YoukilledKenny

    Im worried bout my lil seedlings

    You might have just make sure you keep the paper towel moist. I have better success germinating in soil. Last time i did paper towels they dried out to fast to and i lost all those seeds because i put it on top of my cable box for heat. With paper towels i had better success putting them on top...
  15. YoukilledKenny

    seed on ungermed sativa

    You should post a pic if you can. Either it's not a seed pod or you have a hermie that fertilized that plant or it is a hermie and fertilized itself. I've heard of females producing seeds by themselves as a last ditch effort to reproduce, after all that's what living things are here to do in a...
  16. YoukilledKenny

    Spiders/Lady Bugs!? Help please!

    Lady bugs are good for plants and gardens because they eat other insects like spider mites that can harm your plants. People buy them from nurseries and let them go in their greenhouses to eat other insects. You can also buy praying mantis eggs for the same reason. The spider is good for that...
  17. YoukilledKenny

    Please help my poor plants

    Yes they can shoot up really fast looking for light within 36 hours and the stem can get spindly. I agree with kaleo, you should have those flouro's really close it wont hurt them. You don't have to have a humidity dome on them but if you think that may be the problem just put it back on or...
  18. YoukilledKenny

    preflowers showing not sure of one of them?

    Well it's been a while since i first posted this but that was a male and we chopped it down. Out of six seeds only one was male except now we're 2 weeks into flowering and one i'm sure turned hermie and 2 others i'm keeping a close eye on. I think it's because of light leaks :wall:
  19. YoukilledKenny

    4 weeks old need help pics included

    Thank you for the replies, i think i'll just keep it out of the closet and see. My gut says male and i know the pictures don't do it justice but in person they do kinda look like little balls.
  20. YoukilledKenny

    preflowers showing not sure of one of them?

    Thanks for the replies, maybe i should start a poll? lol. I'm gonna flower soon, i just got a white widow clone so im gonna let that veg for a little longer. I'm currently using flouro's but i'm gonna switch to a 1000w mh for flowering because we're getting one for free. I have a 1000w hps bulb...